Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/71

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LEFT the Grand River this day in company with John Crane, a converted Chief, to visit the Indians at the Bay of Quinte, in accordance with the request of the Rev. W. Case, the Presiding Elder of that District. My mind was very wandering through the day, so that I enjoyed but little comfort in religion, being too much taken up with the busy scenes of this world. O Lord, forgive my wanderings. — January 31st, 1826.

February 1st — Started early this morning for Hamilton; found it very cold. Saw some of my Credit brethren encamped near Burlington Bay; spent about two hours with them, persuading them not to neglect the house of God, but to attend the meetings, and be faithful to the Lord. Rode to my uncle, Ebenezer Jones', where I remained the night.

Thursday 2nd. — Started from my uncle's this morning; met my comrade, John Crane, at the outlet of Burlington Bay. Fell in company with two Dutchmen, who could talk about religion. Towards evening enjoyed some comfort in divine things. Blessed be the Lord for any tokens of His love.

Friday 3rd. — Rode to Colonel Givens', where we stayed a little while to enquire into the state of our Indian affairs. He was very friendly, and informed us that he had contracted with a man for the building of ten houses at the Credit, which would be done by July next. After talking about the Indian affairs he asked me to pray with the family, and