Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/95

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the Commanding Officer of the Garrison, at which place he, (Col. G.) delivered to us the following message from the Governor, Sir Peregrine Maitland. He stated that he was requested by the Governor to inform us that he, (the Governor,) was very much opposed to our attending the Methodist Camp meetings, and that if we persisted in going to any more of them, he would cast us off, and have nothing more to do with us — that we could now take our choice, either to desist from attending Camp meetings, and retain the good will and aid of the Governor, or persist in going and lose his friendship and assistance. This was, indeed, a great trial to us, and I was for a few moments quite confounded and astonished, having been taught to believe that man was a free agent, and had a right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience; and also that the King's laws granted all his subjects liberty to worship God as they felt it their duty; so that if a man thought it right to retire to the woods to pray, who had a right to prevent him? or if he felt it his duty to confine his religion to the Church, who had a right to judge him? Is not God the judge of all men, and are we not accountable to him for our stewardship? After a long consultation between ourselves, the Chiefs thought it advisable for the sake of what the Governor had done and was doing for us, not to oppose his will in this matter, particularly as we were just commencing a settlement, and endeavouring to improve in civilization.

I abstain from giving further comments on this affair, but leave others to judge for themselves.

Thursday 10th. — Received a letter from the Rev. J. Richardson, informing me that a number of Indians at the Holland Landing, from Lake Simcoe, were desirous of seeing me, and hearing me speak on the subject of religion.

River Credit, August 26th. — The number of Church members at this Mission, is 110. Thirty-five of whom