Page:Life in Java Volume 1.djvu/168

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"Oh, clear no, sir," said me frau, speaking for the first time on the subject, " I cut off all the tops and threw them away, but all the root and stalk I chopped up carefully."

This anecdote brought to my mind that of the German, in bygone ages, who, hearing of the new importation of potatoes, lost no time in planting some in his garden; and after viewing with pleasure for some time their daily growth, ordered them to be cut down when of a good height, that he might have a dish of potatoe tops.

It was our intention to start early next morning for the Bromok if the weather proved propitious. Great therefore was our delight, on awaking, to find the sun shining, and the air clear. We dressed with all possible haste, and strolled into the yard, whilst our morning meal, or first breakfast, was being prepared. The air was cold and fresh, a change which, after the enervating heat of the lowlands, was invigorating and bracing. Our