Page:Life in Java Volume 1.djvu/285

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generally served in a large dish placed on the lowest compartment.

At eight p.m. the same evening we were at Malang, and as there was to be a fancy ball at ten, an invitation to which we had previously accepted, we determined, though fatigued, to go.

On our way back to Surabaya next day, we returned by the route we had come as far as Protong, where we turned off into another and shorter road, across a heath of from four to five miles in extent, and almost covered by large blocks of stone and boulders of grey rock, many overgrown with moss and small ferns. These blocks are believed to have been ejected from the Ardjuno during an eruption of that mountain, which now towers so majestically to our left.

We passed through several villages, densely populated, where we saw numbers of boys engaged in taming Java sparrows, which, as the name implies, are very numerous in this island. The