Page:Love's trilogy.djvu/105

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'Oh, because I thought you suddenly became so quiet.'

Jealous, no I am not jealous—I will not be. But if he thinks it amuses me to hear him talk a whole evening about Mrs. P. H., he is very much mistaken.

In my opinion, she does not look a lady, and that expression in her eyes gives her something, well, what shall I call it, some air of the demi-monde.


TO-DAY I got into a terrible fix. The large veil which I generally carefully hide in my room, I left last night in the pocket of my cloak, which hangs in the hall.

When I came into the dining-room this morning, I saw it lying on a chair. Mother pointed to it and said: 'What have you used that for ?' Where did you find it?'

I felt I grew scarlet, but answered in a careless voice: 'I found it one day in the attic, and when it rained so badly last night, I … but,' I continued, as if with a sudden intuition, before mother had time to answer, 'if it is a sacred thing, which I ought not to have touched, I am very sorry.'

Mother looked quickly at me, and as she left the room said, 'No, certainly not, you are quite welcome to use it.'

Though ever since, I fancy, she has been a little worried.