Page:Love's trilogy.djvu/22

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'Am I not right?'—'In what, grandmama?'—'I won't say any more, I am only asking.' I blushed, but the others laughed.

I wonder if anybody has spoken to her about Erik. What else could she mean?

Grandmama is not rich; she has just sufficient to live comfortably in her simple way, but by being economical in daily life, she can afford now and then to give us little presents, sometimes a few shillings for theatre tickets, sometimes a gold piece to buy something useful.

She always hands her presents to us in a curiously secretive way, and she does not like us to speak about what she has given us. When to-day, for instance, after dinner, I sat with her on her sofa, I noticed that she was gently pulling my sleeve. I peeped down and saw that she had pushed something white over to me. It was two two-crown pieces carefully wrapped in white paper, on which was written, 'For you and Frantz to see the new play.'

So if we can get tickets we are going to see Suleima on Wednesday. I am so excited about it. You sweet old grandmama!

2nd OF JAN.

GOT up early and was busy till lunch. 'Busy' means that I painted. I am painting under father's supervision, and at present I am working on a floral dinner service for the young Countess B. … After lunch, I practised for an hour, then I