Page:Love's trilogy.djvu/371

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Suddenly the wings gave a jerk. I believe I shrieked. She either heard my shriek, or her- self felt the danger. She turned her head, and our eyes met. She made a movement as if to rush forward, but in the same moment she fell to the ground without a sound, struck by one of the wings. The next wing followed over her body, and again the next. Round and round, with stronger and stronger speed, the wings went over Greta. While I rushed along, I thought to myself I have gone mad ; it is the giddiness in my head which makes the mill seem to be turning round. But then I saw clearly that Greta's body never moved. On the side of the mill, just in front of the steps, I found Greta's father. He stood fastening the rope. He smiled in such a curious way. The thought rushed through my mind, ' In madness he has killed his daughter ! ' What a wild thought ! In a flash I understood everything, and in passing him I said as calmly as possible : ' Greta has been struck by one of the wings.' When I reached her the mill was quiet; her father had stopped it. I bent over her; she did not move. Her face was white, but I saw neither wound nor blood. I called her name again and again. She opened her eyes and smiled, but closed them again at once, while the smile stayed on her lips. She had seen me and she smiled. O my God, she was not dead !

Sobbing sounded behind me, and a trembling hand touched my shoulder. It was the old man. 'She is alive,' I said, 'but we must carry her in.'