Page:Love's trilogy.djvu/45

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'At the beginning of the season?'

'Yes, he is an actor.'

'And his name?'

'Alfred Mörch. Have you never seen him?'

I do believe my heart shrieked within me, but I controlled myself, and said in a careless, almost supercilious way, 'Alfred Mörch, yes, I have seen him once. But I don't think he has much talent, he only plays tiny parts. He is certainly not famous, but he makes up for it by being notorious.'

Erik laughed, slightly irritated. 'Dear me,' he said, 'do you really listen to such gossip? I thought you were far too sensible for that. But what do you know?'

'I know that this dear friend of yours has seduced a young girl, and afterwards deserted her in the most callous way.'

For a moment Erik sat silent, then he said: 'I can hardly believe it. It doesn't sound a bit like Mörch. He is one of the finest men I know. I am sure he would never promise more than he could fulfil. Another thing is that he may have had several love-affairs. He is—and quite rightly—a great favourite with women, and I know, that he has often had letters asking him for rendez-vous.'

'How extremely proud he must be of that, since he has told you about it.'

'No, but it amuses him, surely that is quite natural, and he does not answer these flattering invitations.'