Page:Maid & her barley.pdf/4

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Then she bade me no farther roam,
meaning my wedlock fairly,
So keep your purse for spouse at home,
some other will buy my barley.

Then I found myself disappointed,
the maid she left me fairly,
My words knocked all things out of joint,
I lost both maid and barley.

As I was riding down yon slope,
some two or three hours after,
There I chanced to meet again
the farmer's bonny daughter.

Altho’ it was both raw and cold,
I long’d to hold a parley,
Once more to shew my purse of gold
when she had sold her barley.

Love said I pray do not frown,
but let us exchange embraces;
I’ll buy thee a silken gown,
with ribbons, gloves and laces.

A ring and breast-pin muff and fan,
no body shall have neater;
As I am an honest man,
I ne’er saw a sweeter creature.