Page:Malay Sketches.pdf/227

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"The whole earth is in the hand of the most High God, and He gives it as an inheritance to whom He will of His subjects. The true religion, is also of God, and Heaven is the reward of those who fear the Most High. Salvation and peace are for those who follow the straight path, and only they will in the end arrive at real greatness. No Raja can do good, and none can be powerful except by the help of God the Most High, who is also Most Mighty.

"I make ten thousand salutations. I wish to inquire about the practice of bêr-hantu, driving oneself mad and losing one's reason, as has been the custom of Rajas and Chiefs in this State of Perak; is it right according to your religion. Mr. Resident, or is it not? For that practice is a deadly sin to the Muhammadan Faith, because those who engage in it lose their reason and waste their substance for nothing; some of them cast it into the water, while others scatter it broadcast through the jungle. How is such conduct treated by your religion. Mr. Resident, is it right or wrong? I want you in your indulgence to give me an answer, for this practice is very hard on the poor. The Headmen collect from the rayats, and then they make elaborate preparations of food, killing a buffalo