Page:Manual of the Lodge.pdf/240

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The public grand honors are then given.

The musisc is resumed, and the third procession is made round the Lodge. When the Grand Master arrives at the East, the music ceases, and the Deputy Grand Master presents him with the vessel of oil, which he sprinkles over the Lodge, saying:

In the name of the Supreme and Eternal God, the Grand Architect of heaven and earth, to whom be all honor and glory, I dedicate this hall to Universal Benevolence.

The public grand honors are then given.

The Grand Chaplain, standing before the Lodge, then makes the following


O Lord God, there is no God like unto thee, in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants, who walk before thee with all their hearts.

Let all the people of the earth know that the Lord is God; and that there is none else. Let all the people of the earth know thy Name, and fear thee. Let all the people know that this house is built and consecrated to thy name.

But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens can not contain thee; how much less this house that we have built!

Yet have thou respect unto the prayer of thy ser-