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Bancroft, Hubert H., History of Mexico, 6 vols., San Fran., Bancroft Co., 1883–8.

Beals, Carieton, Mexico; an Interpretation, N. Y., Huebsch, 1923,

—— Whose Property Is Kellogg Protecting? New Republic, February 23, 1927, p. 8–11.

Bell, Edward I., The Political Shame of Mexico, N. Y., McBride, 1914.

Buchanan, President James, Annual Messages to Congress, Appendices Congressional Globe, 1858–1859.

Bulnes, Francisco, Whole Truth About Mexico, N. Y., Bulnes Book Co., 1916.

Chapter on the Agrarian question states the extreme conservative point of view.

Burke, U. R., Life of Benito Juarez, London, Remington, 1894.

Cabrera, Luis, Mexican Situation from the Mexican Point of View, N. Y., 1913.

—— Religious Question in Mexico, N. Y., 1913.

Carson, W. E., Mexico, New York, Macmillan, 1914.

Creelman, James, Diaz, Master of Mexico, N. Y., Appleton, 1911.

—— President Diaz, Hero of the Americas, Pearson's Magazine, March, 1908.

Drum, John Sylvester, Mexico's Business Conditions, 1810–1910.

A chart, giving annual statistics on foreign trade, income and expenditures of government, exploitation of natural resources, etc.

Dunn, Robert W., American Foreign Investments, Huebsch, New York, 1926.

Elias, Arturo M., The Mexican People and the Church, Mexican Consulate, New York, 1926.

Farnham, T. J., Mexico; Its Geography, People, and Institutions, N. Y., Long, 1846.

Garcia Calderon, F., Latin America: Its Rise and Progress, N. Y., Scribners, 1913.