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Whatsoever good work you undertake, pray earnestly to God that He will enable you to bring it to a successful termination. — St. Benedict.


What is a fruitless repentance, defiled almost immediately by new faults? — St. Bernard.


You propose to give up everything to God; be sure, then, to include yourself among the things to be given up. — St. Benedict.


If you can find a place where God is not, go there and sin with impunity. — St. Anselm.


He can not err who is constantly with the visible Head which Jesus Christ has left to His Church, as its foundation, rule, teacher, and defender of the Faith. — St. Alphonsus.


The more numerous the gifts we have received from God, the greater the account we must render to Him. — St. Gregory the Great.


True penance consists in regretting without ceasing the faults of the past, and in firmly resolving to never again commit that which is so deplorable. — St. Bernard.