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It is in vain that we cut off the branches of evil, if we leave intact the root, which continually produces new ones. — St. Gregory the Great.


How little is required to be a saint! It suffices to do in all things the will of God. — St. Vincent de Paul.


Wouldst thou know what thou art? Thou art that to which thy heart turns the most frequently. — Ven. Bartholomew of Martyrs.


When you covet that which delights you, think not only of the sweet moments of enjoyment, but of the long season of regret which must follow. — St. Bernard.


They who voluntarily commit sin show a contempt for life eternal, since they willingly risk the loss of their soul. — St. Gregory the Great.


It suffices not to perform good works; we must do them well, in imitation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it is written, "He doeth all things well." — St. Vincent de Paul.


Put not off till to-morrow what you can do today.— St. Ignatius.