Page:Maury's New Elements of Geography, 1907.djvu/134

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grow wild. Millions of negroes live there. They used to sell things for shells, called cowries, but now they exchange their coffee, ivory and rubber for cotton goods and other manufactured wares.

Cape Town.

4. The west coast of Africa, part of which is sometimes called Guinea, is one of the hottest and most unhealthful regions in the world. The chief exports are gums, palm-oil, and rubber.

Along the coast the British, French, Germans and Portuguese have settlements, and hold the land as their own. Sierra Leone (se-er'-rah le-o'-ne) is a British colony for negroes. Liberia is a negro republic, founded as a home for freed negroes from the United States.

Dahomey, formerly a negro kingdom, is now controlled by France.

5. The Union of South Africa comprises the British provinces of Cape of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal, and the Orange Free State. This Union has two capitals. One is Cape Town, the chief port of South Africa, where the parliament meets, and the other is Pretoria, where the governor general resides.

The British also own Rhodesia and other regions in South Africa.

Sheep-raising is the chief occupation, and wool is exported. Diamonds and gold are found. Ostriches are raised.

6. The eastern coast is unhealthful like the western. Rubber, ivory, hides, copra, wax, and cloves are the chief exports.

The country on both sides of, the Zambezi belongs to the Portuguese. The British, Germans, and Italians also have possessions on the east coast.

The island of Madagascar exports gold, hides, rubber, wax, and hard woods.

For Recitation.—What can you say of the Sahara? Sudan? Belgian Kongo? What are the exports of the west coast of Africa? Of the east coast? Of South Africa?

Kimberley, the diamond city. The entrance to a mine is shown on the right.


Countries.Where is it?Egypt. Abyssinia. Morocco. Algeria. Tunis. Tripoli. Sudan. Liberia. Sierra Leone. Belgian Kongo. Cape of Good Hope. Natal. Orange Free State. Transvaal. Rhodesia. Mozambique. British East Africa.

Islands.Near what part of the coast?Madeira. Canary. Madagascar. St. Helena.

Mountains.Where are they, and in what direction do the ranges extend?Atlas. Kenia. Kilimanjaro. Ruwenzori.

Seas, Gulf.Where is it?Mediterranean Sea. Red Sea. Gulf of Guinea.

Straits and Channel.Connects what waters? Separates what lands?Gibraltar. Bab-el-Mander. Mozambique Channel.

Rivers.Where does it rise? Into what does it flow?—Nile, Niger. Kongo. Zambezi.

Lakes.Where is it?Victoria. Albert. Tanganyika. Nyassa. Tchad.

Cities.In what country?Cairo. Tripoli. Tunis. Algiers. Morocco. Fez. Alexandria. Sokoto. Gondar. Boma. Cape Town. Lourenço Marquez. Pretoria. Freetown. Tananarivo. Monrovia. Pietermaritzburg.