Page:McClure's Magazine volume 4.djvu/11

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McClure's Magazine. Vol. IV. DKCKMllKK. 1S04. No. i. NAPOLHON BONAPARTE. Hy Ir>A M. TARBF.i.r. With pictures from the collection of the Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard, who al»o fumithcs the explanatory note*. SECOXn PAPER, THIRTEENTH VF.NDKMi AikK. caniion luMoiild sccurc at iho openinjjs into tlu* j)alacr and al the j)<»iiu> (»f apj)r<)ach. PAUL HARRAS, revolutionist, ('(»nvcn- !Ic' arnuMl rvtu the nu-inbt*r»i of the Con- tionalist, membcrof the Pircrtory, was vii]ii«»n a> a rcNtrvc. When the sections one of the most intluential members (»f the marehed their im-n im<» tht* strrels and upon French government in 1795. When he saw tlie bridi^'c^ Ifatbn;^ i«) ilie Tiiilerifs, they the good work Naj)<»lcnn was dtiinj; in the werr met by a lire which Matti-rt-d them at topographical l)ureau of the (Onuniltec of on( c. Public Safely, he resolved to be his friend. That ni;;ht Taris was <pnci. 'I'he next It was not lonj^ before he had an oj)por- day Napolrnn was made ;;cneral of division, tunity to put his//vA.VJ talent to test. ( >n ()(lnber j^th he was appointed gcn- In October, 1795, ^'^^' ;;"Verninent was eral-in-c hief of the .rmy <»f the Interior. threatened by the revolt in;^^ sec ti<»ns. Dar- ras, the nominal head of the defent e,a>ked Napoleon to lomniand the tones whi< h <iKNV k i -iN-Min 1 .., 1 iik akmv of the protected the Tuileries, where the Conven- in ifKi«»k. lion had g<»ne into |>ermanent ^es^i^^n. lie hcsitateil for a moment. He had miuh At last the oj^portunity he had >ought svnipathv for the sections. His savjac itv so lonj^ and so eaj^erlv had < inne. conquered. The Convention stood for the The hrst use he made <»f his power was republic ; an overthrow m»w meant another for his family and friends. Fifty or sixty proscription, more of the Terror, j>erhaps thousand francs, asM;^nats, and dresses j»o a royalist sue cession, an Knj^lish invasion, to his nn)ther and sisters ; josfph is to have

    • I accept," he said t<> Ibarras; "but I a consulshij) ; '* a roof, a table, and car-

warn you that once my sword is out of the riajie"are at his disposal in Paris : Louis is scabbard I shall not re|)lace it till I have ma<ie a lieutenant and his aide-de-camp ; established <)rder." l.ucien, commis>ioncr of war : |unt»t ami It was on the nij^ht of i^th Vende- Marmont are put on his staff. He f(»rj^ets miairc that Naj)oleon was aj»p<»intetl. With noboijy. The very day after the 13th incredible ra|tidity he massetl the men ami Vendt'iniaire. when his cares ami excite- Copyrijfht, iBvm. hy S. S Mtli.i ur. Limited. All nght* rrNerved