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Biographical and Bibliographical Fragment,” by C. W. H. Wyman, but he could not vouch for these things. “You see,” he added, thoughtfully, “we never meet now; for, alas! I did not take the Elixir when I might have done so.”

Then, changing his tone, he added, more cheerfully: “Ask his Holiness Pope Leo XIII. I am sure, at the mention of my name, the Papal Archives will be readily opened to you or any member of the Sette of Odd Volumes who would desire to pursue the inquiry further, from an Historical or Archæological point of view,”[1] and I promised to do so. Before he left, I put a question as to the report that had got abroad, in which it was asserted that he had been poisoned by the Monks of Gray Friars at the moment when he was about to partake of the “Elixir Vitæ.”

  1. The Vatican Library is now open to Historical Students.