Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/412

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suite accompanying President Lincoln when he entered Richmond, where he received the commanding generals in Jefferson Davis' residence. In November, 1881, while commanding the Marion in the River Plate, South America, he was ordered to Heard's Island, in Latitude 53.30 South, Longitude 73.30 East, to "rescue crew of Barque Trinity supposed to be there." This service was successfully performed, the entire crew of thirty-three being saved. The barque Trinity had sailed from New London, Connecticut, June 1880 for Heard's Island to catch sea elephant for their oil, and reached her destination in October following. The vessel was wrecked within a week after arrival and the crew of thirty-five were stranded on this bleak and desolate island where they remained until rescued fifteen months later by the Marion. Upon his return to Cape Town in February 1882, he rescued upon request of owners the British ship Poonah, stranded on the beach ten miles north of Cape Town. This letter dated 11 March, 1882, from Sir Hercules Robinson, governor-general, was written Commander Terry: "I have much pleasure in tendering you and the officers and men of the United States corvette Marion the thanks of this government for the valuable assistance so promptly rendered by the Marion to the British ship Poonah, lately stranded in Table Bay. I have the honor to forward for your perusal a copy of a minute which I have received from my ministers on this subject, and to inform you that I intend to request the Right Honorable the Secretary of the Colonies to convey the acknowledgments of this government for your services to the government of the United States.

Colonial Secretary's Office

No. 393.
Cape Town,
Cape of Good Hope.

9th March, 1882.

"In submitting for the information of His Excellency the Governor the accompanying letter received from the Port Captain of Table Bay, detailing the services rendered to the stranded ship Poonah by Captain Terry and the officers and men of the United States corvette Marion, Ministers desire to record their opinion that such conduct is worthy of the highest commendation and respectfully request that his Excellency may be pleased