Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1039

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results were formed into a Catalogue of 12,441 stars, which was completed after his return to England, and published in 1881. He received the Gold Medal of the Koyal Astrono- mical Society in 1868, and the Lalande Prize of the French Aca- demy of Sciences in 1881. Mr. Stone is a member of the Council of the Royal Society, and President of the Boyal Astronomical Society ; and was intrusted by the committee ap]>ointed by the Government to organize plans for the observation of the Transit of Venus in 1882.

STONE, Mabcu8,A.R.A., painter of historical and genre subjects, son of the late Frank Stone, A.K.A., a distinguished artist (who died in 1859), was born in London July 4, 1840. He received his education at home, and was never a student in any Art School. He was elected an Associate of the Koyal Academy Jan. 2 A, 1877. Mr. Stone received one of the medals awarded to the English School at the Vienna and PhHadelphia International Exhibi- tions. As a very young man he illustrated Dickens, and lately An- thony TroUope and the Cornhill Magauine. Mr. Stone has been much in Paris, and has visited Italy several times. He exhibited first in 1858, and achieved his earliest marked success in 1863 with ** From Waterloo to Paris," a picture of Napoleon in a peasant's cottage. His principal pictures since then are-: " Stealing the Keys," 1866 ; " Nell Gwynne," 1867 ; "The Princess Elizabeth forced to attend Mass," 1869 j " Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn," 1870; "The Eoyal Nursery," 1871 ; " Edward II. and Piers Gaveston," 1872; "LeEoiest Mort— Vive le Roi," 1873 ; " My Lady is a Widow and Childless," 1874 ; " Sain et Sauf," 1875 ; *' An Appeal for Mercy," 1876 ; " A Sacri- fice," 1877 ; " The Post Bag," " The Time of Roses," 1878; "In the Shade," 1879 ; " Amour ou Patrie," 1880; "Married for Love," 1881; " Bad News " and " II y en a

toujours un autre," 1882 (pur- chased under the terms of the Chantrey bequest by the Soyal Academy) ; " An Offer of Marria«^ " and " Asleep," 1883. Several of these have been engraved. Mr. Stone has painted some landscapes, and some water-colour pictures.

STOREY, Geoboe Adolphus, A.R.A., born in London, Jan. 7, 1834, was educated at Paris by M. Joseph Morand, professor in the Athen^e Royale, his paintingmas- ter being M. J. L. Dulong. He re- turned to London in 1850, and at- tended Mr. J. M. Leigh's school in Newman Street. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1852, " A Family Portrait;" in 1853, "A Madonna and Child ; " and in 1854 was admitted a student at the Aca- demy. Subsequently, he exhibited "Sacred Music," "The Widowed Bride," " The Bride's Burial," " The Annunciation," and "The Closed House, 1665." In 1863 he was in Spain, painting portraits at Madrid. In the following year he first at- tracted the special notice of the public by his picture of " The Meeting of William Seymour with the Lady Arabella Stuart at the Court of James I., 1609." It was followed by a " Royal Challenge," 1865, representing Henry VIII. playing at sin^ifle-stick with a rustic ; " Godiva," 1865 ; " Children at Breakfast" (exhibited at Mr. Gum- bart*s Gallery, Pall Mall), 1866; " After You," 1867 ; " The Shy Pupil," 1868 ; " The Old Soldier." and " Boys Going to School," 1869 ; " The Duet," and " Only a Rabbit," 1870 ; " Rosy Cheeks," and " Les- sons," 1871 ; " A Lovers' Quarrel," and " Little Butter-Cups," 1872 ; " Scandal," " Love in a Maze,'* and "Mistress Dorothy," 1873; "The Blue Girls of Canterbury," " Little Swansdown," " Dame Octavia Beau- mont," and " Grandmamma's Christ- mas Visitors," 1874 ; " Mrs. Finch," " Caught," " Miss Caro Armitage," and "The Whip Hand," 1875 ; "A Dancing Lesson" and " My Lady