Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/327

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Curci was a contributor to the Ctviltd CattoUea during a period of sixteen years. In 1871 he was in high repute as the famous preacher in the great church of the Oeeh, in Borne, where crowds flocked to listen to his fervent discourses. After that he retired to Florence, and set himself, entirely of his own accord, to preach and publish his lectures on **The Pour Gospels," published under the title of " Le- zioni esegetiche e morali sopra i quattro Evangeli, dette in Firenze dal 1 Novembre, 1873, al 29 Giugno, 1874," 4 vols., 8vo. At the same time he likewise published a small volume of "The Four Gospels," with few and short notes. Father Curci gave utterance to opinions which were quite contrary to those generally entertained by his col- leagues of the Society of Jesus re- specting the temporal power of the Sovereign Pontiff, and the result was that, in 1877, he was expelled from the Order. His peculiar views are given in a work published at Florence in Dec, 1877, under the title of "II moderno Dissidio tra la Chiesa e lo State, considerate per occasione di un fatto parti- colare." (" The Modern Dissension between Church and State, ex- amined on the occiirrence of a personal matter.") In March, 1878, Father Curci wrote a letter from Florence to His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., describing the unhappy posi- tion in which he was placed by his recent conduct, and expressing a desire to offer a retraction of his errors. To this letter, which ap- peared to be a first step towards a reconciliation, a kind reply was given. Encouraged by this. Father Curci wrote a second letter, making the largest offers of submission, declaring himself ready to make public rei)aration if necessary, and expressing a desire, as private affairs called him to Borne, to make his atonement in person. He went to Borne, and had an interview with Cardinal Franchi, who pro-

posed that Father Curci should see Ptofessor Don Giuseppe Peoci> the Pope's brother, who had formerly a long acquaintance and intimacy with Father Curci. The result of the interview with Father Pecci was a letter of retractation which ai^[>eared in all the joumaLs ; but so many persons regarded this re- tractation as incomplete, and liable to misinterpretations, that the Holy Father was dissatisfied with it, and refused a private audience to Father Curci until he had written a fresh recantation, in which he declared his sincere intention to submit his opinions and his writings to the judgment of the P<^)e. Father Curci has for some years been en- ^iged on a translation of the Old Testament, with notes. It has proceeded as far as the Psalms, which were published at Borne in 1883, with an introductory letter by Mgr. Scapaticci, reviser to the Vati- can, and with the formal approval of the ecclesiastical authorities.

CUBLING, Thomas Bliza&d, F.B.S., born in Jan., 1811, and edu- cated at Manor-House, Chiswick, was appointed assistani-surgeon to the London Hospital in 1834, lec- ture r on surgery in 1846, full sur- geon in 1848^ examiner in surgery to Uie University of London in 1859, and member of council of the College of Surgeons in 1864^ and President in 1873. He became consulting surgeon to the London Orphan Asylum in 1849, a Fellow of the Boyal Society in 1860, and was elected President of the Boyal Medical and Chirurgical Society in 1871. He is the aui£or of a treatise on tetanus, which gained the Jack- sonian prize in 1885 ; of a Prac- tical Treatise on Diseases of the Testis," published in 1843, and of "Observations on Disease of the Bectum," in 1851. The two last- menticmed have reached a fourth edition. In Aug., 1869, he resigned the post of senior surgeon to the London Ho^ital, after a service of nearly thirty-six years, and in 1879