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downfall of the Napoleonic dynastj M. Eichthal songht refuge in Lon- don, but he soon returned to France, where he has since published " La Sortie d'Eg^ypte d'apr^s les B^ts combing dn Pentateuqne et de Manethon/' 1872; "Memoire sur le texte primitif du premier BMt de la Cr^tion," 1876 ; and " Le Site de Troie, selon M. Lechevalier on selon M. Schliemann/' 1875.

BI8ENL0HE, August, Ph. D., Bgyptologiirt, was born Oct. 6, 1832, at Mannheim in the Grand Duchy of Baden, where his father was a physician. After a preliminary training in the lyceum of his native town he entered the XJniyersiiy of Heidelberg in 1850, applying him- self to the study of Protestant theology, which he continued at Gdttingen till 1853, when he re- turned to Heidelberg, and entered the theological semmar^. lUnees compelled nim to avoid serious study for several years, and on his recovery he abandoned theology, and devoted his attention to the natural sciences, especially che- mistry, under the instruction of Professors B. Bunsen and Erlen- meyer. He graduated Ph.D. in 1859, and afterwards established a chemical manufactory. By com- mercial intercourse with China he became acquainted with the Chinese language, and was thus led to the study of hieroglyphics, which he has prosecuted with great zeal since 1864, aided by the advice of MM. Chabas and Brugsch. On giving up commercial pursuits, he entered, after some years, the academical career as Pnvatdocent of the Egyptian language and Archaeology by a dissertation "Die analytische Erkl&rung des demo- tischen Theils der Bosettana," Theil i. Leipsic, 1869. In the same year he undertook, generously aided by the Grand Duke of Baden, a scientific exploration of Esypt. Having been present at the inau- guration of the Suez Canal, he sailed up the Nile to the second

cataract of Wadi Haifa, studying* copying, and photogpraphing the in- scriptions. On this occasion he had the good fortune to be allowed to study the Great Harris Papyrus in the House of the late Consul Har- ris, at Alexandria, and to make extracts from it, which he after- wards translated. In Bfarch, 1870, he left Egypt and returned home. Cominff to tnis country in 1872, he assisted Miss Harris in selling to the British Museum for ^83,300 her valuable collection of Greek and Egyptian papyri. Of this collec- tion, and espedaUy of the Great Harris Papyrus, he g^ve a descrip- tion, translation, and commentary in a pamphlet " Der grosse Papyrus Harris. Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Aegyptischen Geschichte, ein 3000 Jahr iJte Zeuf^niss filr die Mo- saische Beligionstiftung enthal- tend," Leipsic, 1872. He treated the same subject with the ori«^nal text in the Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archoology (vol. i., part ii., 1872), "On the political condition of Egypt before the reign of Bameses III. His explanationswere, however, sharply criticised by M. Chabas, in his "Be- cherches pour servir k I'Histoire de la XIX« Dynastie" (Chdlons and Paris, 1873). Dr. Eisenlohr replied to M. Chabas in an article in the Aegypti$che Zeittchrift, 1873. In the same periodical he published a translation of the whole of the great Harris Papyrus. In Dec. 1872, he was nominated a Professor Extra- ordinary in the University of Heidel- berg, and was elected an honorary member of the Society of BibliciU Archeology at London, and of the Society "El Chark" at Constanti- nople. He attended the Intema- ticmal Congpress of Orientalists held in London in 1874.

ELIOT, Chablss William, LL.D., was born at Boston, Mas- sachusetts, March 20, 1834. He was prepared for college at the Boston Public Latin School, and graduated (A.B.) at Harvard in