Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/604

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sionally covered with snow. Moris is in a temperate climate, almost bordering upon Tierra Caliente. Two leagues below Jesus Maria there is a small plain, well adapted for reduction works, and affording pasturage for animals, but it is necessary to open a road to it down the ravine.

The boundaries of Chĭhūāhuă to the East and North-east are the States of Cŏăhūilă and Tēxăs, and the Territorio[1] of New Mexico, with the Rio Bravo del Norte as a line of demarcation. To the West (both North and South,) the vast State of Sonora and Cinaloa extends, occupying the whole space between twenty-two and a half and thirty-three and a half of North latitude, and forming the Eastern Coast of the Gulf of California up to the Cerro de Santa Clara, where the Indian lands South of the rivers Gila and Colorado commence. Beyond these again, the stripe, or belt of missions, composing New California, stretches as far as the Port of San Francisco, (in latitude 38,) and from thence, by Cape Mendocino, to the boundary line in 42º; while Old California occupies the Peninsula, forming the Western shore of the Gulf, which runs parallel with the Coast of Sonora, and terminates with Cape San Lucas and Cape Palmo, nearly opposite to Măzătlān.

Of New California little or nothing is yet known. Old California has been crossed since 1821 by a few

  1. Territorio, as has been already stated, means a district, or province, the population of which is not yet sufficiently considerable to entitle it to rank as an independent State.