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chinensis, which is only sufficient to render it probable that it neither belongs to Galea as I have proposed to limit it, nor to any of the genera hitherto confounded with it.

M. Poiret, in the Supplement to the Botanical Dictionary of the Encyclopedic Methodique, has under the article Calea retained all the species of this genus given by Persoon ; and also Calea asp era ; which, however, he has in a sub- sequent article correctly referred to Melananthera.

Connected with the proper subject of this paper, I shall describe and add some observations on a plant lately sent from Brazil by Mr. Sellow ; which, though not strictly refer- able to Composite, probably belongs to a genus at present included in this family ; and conclude with a few remarks on the structure and affinities of Brunonia.

I have named the Brazil plant


Herba annua ? glaberrima, ramosa, diffusa. Rami ad- scendentes, angulati. Folia sparsa, petiolata, exstipulata, spathulata mucronulo brevissimo, sesquiuncialia, crassi- uscula ? glauca ? saepius integerrima ; inferiora quandoque extra medium dentata. Petioli lineares basi parum dilatata [130 semiamplexicauli ; inferiores elongati ; superiores plerum- que folio aliquoties breviores. Capitula solitaria, nunc oppositifolia pedunculata, nunc terminalia subsessilia, basi- flora, ovata, flava. Involucrum simplici serie pentaphyllum, capitulum floridum superans, foliaceum ; foliolis insequalibus spathulatis sessilibus integerrimis ipsa basi connatis. Receptaculum subulato-conicum, paleaceum. Palece lan- ceatae mucronulatas, inter flosculos hermaphrodito-masculos magis manifesta3, inter hermaphroditos passim abortientes. F/osculi tubulosi, uniformes, glabri.

Flosculi ambitus, duplici triplicive serie, hermaphroditi, utroque organo perfecto. Corolla Tubus gracilis cylindraceus, cum ovario continuus, basique stylo accretus, per lentem 10-striatus. Liwbus infundibuliformis, 5-fidus, aestivatione

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