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indivisa [Nectarium, Linn.). Ovarium 5-loculare : loculis dispermis. Capsula : septis duplicatis dermum 5-parti- bilis. Brown.

Bulingia pannosa, capsulis echinatis exsertis, foliis den- tato-serratis acutis planis supra scabris subtiis tomen- tosis : inferioribus ovatis subcordatis passimque lobatis ; superioribus oblongo-lanceolatis. Br. prodr. fl. nov.-holl. 2 inedit.

Our friend Mr. Brown, to whom we are indebted for the above generic and specific characters, places this genus in the Natural system in his order of Buttneriacea, which he has defined in the appendix to 'FlindeiVs Voyage,' vol. ii, p. 540. *

It is nearly related to Commersonia, from which it differs in the number of sterile filaments, or divisions of the necta- rium, in the cells of the ovarium being two-seeded, and in the capsule. Named in memory of John Philip Ruling, author of an essay on the ' Natural Orders/ in which he has pub- lished the ideas of Professor Biittner upon this subject. A greenhouse shrub, native of Port Jackson, in New Holland, where Mr. Brown discovered several other species of the same genus.

Bot. Mag. 2191 (1820).


��Symphoria racemosa. Pentandria monogynia.

��Germen 4-loculare : loculis 2 polyspermis, sterilibus ; 2 monospermis, fertilibus. Bacca coronata. Cor. tubu- losa, brevis, 5-fida, subsequalis. Cal. 5-dentatus. Brown. Lonicerse sp. Linn.

SympJioria racemosa, racemo interrupto subterminali, corolla intus barbata.

Germen ovate, with two or three small bracts applied close to the base. Mr. Brown has observed that it is four-

1 [Ante vol. i, p. 11.]

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