Page:Miss Mapp.djvu/166

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woman was probably giving him a very incomplete account of what had happened. She returned late for tea, and broke off her apologies to Withers for being such a trouble because she saw a note on the hall table. There was a coronet on the back of the envelope, and it was addressed in the neat, punctilious hand which so well expressed its writer. Villa Faraglione, Capri, a coronet and Amelia all lightly crossed out headed the page, and she read:

Dear Miss Mapp,

“It is such a pleasure to find myself in our little Tilling again, and our mutual friend Mrs. Poppit, M.B.E., tells me you are in residence, and encourages me to hope that I may induce you to take déjeuner with me on Thursday, at one o’clock. May I assure you, with all delicacy, that you will not meet here anyone whose presence could cause you the slightest embarrassment?

“Pray excuse this hasty note. Figgis will wait for your answer if you are in.

“Yours very sincerely,
Algernon Wyse.”

Had not Withers been present, who might have misconstrued her action, Miss Mapp would have kissed the note; failing that, she forgave Mrs. Poppit for being an M.B.E.

“The dear woman!” she said. “She has heard, and has told him.”

Of course she need not ask Mr. Wyse to tea now….


A WHITE frost on three nights running and a terrible blackening of dahlias, whose reputation was quite gone by morning, would probably have convinced the