Page:Modern literature (1804 Volume 2).djvu/163

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reality. Offended at a mirth of which he himself was so evidently the object, he, with much solemnity, opened a speech, in which he expressed his confidence that there was nothing ludicrous and ridiculous in his appearance, that he trusted both his dress and deportment would be uniformly such, as was most compatible with the dignity to which he was now elevated. "My appearance, I will be bold to say, befits my character." "Character," said Captain Mortimer, "I do not know what the devil character it befits, unless it be Captain Mirvan's full-dressed monkey in Evelina." But our hero and young Mortimer, to prevent the doctor from attending to this remark upon his archetype, made some little motion and bustle to procure him room at table; and, while, the company were conversing upon the occurrences of the evening, the doctor