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§ 92

tunate’ < *sag-ro‑. – – ɡ: Ar. √ɡlei̯- ‘sticky, liquid’: Lat. glūs *< gloi‑s, Gk. γλοιός < *γλοιϝος: O.W. gloiu gl. liquidum, W. gloyw̯ ‘shiny’, gloyw̯-ẟu ‘glossy black’ < *ɡloi-u̯o‑s § 75 ii (1), Ir. glē, glae ‘bright’ < *ɡlei-uos, *ɡloi-uos, O. Corn. digluiuhit ox. 2 gl. eliqua, W. gloywi ‘to drain (after boiling), to clarify, to polish’; R *ɡli- > Lat. gli‑s, Gk. γλί-νη, Lith. gli-tùs ‘smooth, sticky’, Ir. glenim, W. glynaf ‘I adhere’.—Ar. √(s)theɡ- > Lat. tego, Gk. στέγος, τέγος, Skr. sthágati ‘covers’: Ir. tech, teg, O. W. tig, W. ty ‘house’ < *tegos; F° *(s)thoɡ- > Lat. toga, W. to ‘roof’, § 104 ii (2). – – ɡh: Ar. √ɡhabh- > Lat. habeo, Lith. gabanà ‘armful’: W. gafael ‘to take hold’, Ir. gabim ‘I take’. Ar. √leɡh- ‘lie’ > Lat. lectus, Gk. λέχος: W. lle ‘place’, Ir. lige ‘bed’, W. gwe-ly ‘bed’; L *lēɡh- > Lith. pãlėgis ‘confinement to bed’; F° *loɡh- § 58 v.

ii. Ar. ɡ (Lat. v, gu after n, g before cons. and u; Gk. β, δ before ε or η, γ before or after ν; Germ. kw; Lith. g; Skr. g, j) gave Pr. Kelt. b. Thus Ar. √ɡei̯ē- > Lat. vīvo, Gk. βίος: W. byw, etc., § 63 vii (3).—Ar. *ɡōus > Lat. bōs (Umbr.-Samn. form for true Lat. *vōs), Gk. βοῦς: Ir. , W. biw, pl. bu.

iii. But Ar. ɡh (Lat. f‑, ‑v‑, ‑b‑, gu after n; Gk. φ, θ; Germ. w, g; Lith. g; Skr. gh, h) forms an exception to the general rule, § 85, and does not fall together with the unaspirated consonant. It remained a rounded guttural in Pr. Kelt., and gave g in Ir. with loss of rounding; but the rounding was retained in Brit., and we have in W. initially gw̯, medially f (≡ v) between vowels. Thus Ar. √ɡhen- > Gk. θείνω, φόνος, Lat. dē-fen-do: Ir. gonim ‘I wound’, W. gwanu ‘to stab’ < *gw̯on- § 65 v, gw̯anaf ‘swathe’ (hay cut at one sweep).—Ar. √gher- > Lat. formus, Gk. θερμός, E. warm: Ir. gorim ‘I warm’, W. gori (< *gw̯ori § 36 iii), Bret. gori, gwiri ‘to incubate’, W. gori ‘to suppurate’, gôr ‘pus’, W. gw̯rēs ‘heat’, § 95 iii (1).—Ar. √ɡhelē- ‘green, yellow’ > Lat. flāvus: W. gw̯elw̯ ‘pale’, gw̯ellt ‘straw, grass’, Ir. gelim ‘I graze’, gelt- ‘fodder’; the doublet *g̑helē- > Skr. hári‑ḥ ‘yellow, greenish’, Gk. χλόη ‘verdure, grass’, χλόος ‘green’: W. gledd ‘turf’, glas ‘green’, glas-wellt ‘grass’, § 101 iv (1).—Ar. √ɡhedh- > Gk. ποθέω, θέσσασθαι: Ir. guidim ‘I pray’, W. gw̯eddi ‘prayer’.—Medially: Ar. √sneiɡh- > Lat. ninguit, nix, nivis, Gk. νίφα: Ir. snigid ‘rains’, snechta ‘snow’, W. nyf