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Darfu ’r ieuenctid dirfawr;
O dewr fu ’nydd darfu ’n awr.—D.G. 529.

‘Mighty youth is spent; if brave was my day, it is spent now.’

Llongwr wyfi yn ddioed;
Ar ben yr hwylbren mae ’nhroed.—H.D., p 101/259.

‘At once I am a sailor; my foot is on the top of the mast.’ See also yw ’myd § 38 vi, yw 'mron § 146 ii (1).

Ml. y ‘his, her’ > Mn. i § 16 ii (3). Occasionally i is already found in Ml. W., as o achaws i drigiant ef w.m. 12 ‘on account of his residing’. The spelling ei is due to Wm.S., § 5 (4), who also changed yn b.b. 108, ych do. 79 to ein, eich; there is no evidence of the earlier use of these forms; and in the spoken language the words are i, ỿn, ỿch, as in Early Mn. W. It is doubtful whether the correct spelling can now be restored, as the mis­spelling is dis­tinctive, enabling ei ‘his’ to be distin­guished from i ‘to’, and i ‘I’, as in gwelais i dŷ; and ein ‘our’ from yn ‘in’; but the written ei, ein, eich should be read i, ỿn, ỿch.

eu ‘their’ is a Ml. form preserved artificially in lit. W. Already in the 14th cent. y appears for it as ytat Ỻ.A. 117, l. 13 ‘their father’, ypenneu, ytavodeu do. 152 ‘their heads, their tongues’. In Early Mn. MSS. it is generally i, distin­guished from the sg. only by the rad. initial which follows it.

(2) Before hun, hunan ‘self’, § 167 i (3), the following forms occur in Ml. W.: sg. 1. vy, vu, my, mu, 2. dy, du, 3. e; pl. 1. ny, 2. ?, 3. e.

a minneu vy hun w.m. 88 ‘and I myself’; am laẟ o honaf vu hun vy mab do. 35 ‘because I myself slew my son’; namyn my hun do. 88 ‘except myself’; buw mu hunan r.p. 1045 ‘I myself [am] alive’; dy anwybot dy hun w.m. 2 ‘thine own ignorance’; du hun do. 29 ‘thyself’; ae ẟwylaw ehun Ỻ.A. 10 ‘with His own hands’; ehun Ỻ.A. 77 ‘herself’; arnam ny hunein w.m. 29 ‘on ourselves’; ar yn llun ny hun r.p. 1368 ‘on Our own image’; a gewssynt e hun w.m. 59 ‘what they had had them­selves’; yryg̃thunt e hun w.m. 421, y ryngtunt ehunein r.m. 272 ‘between them­selves’.

In Mn. W. the forms do not differ from those of the gen. given in § (1); but ny persisted in the sixteenth cent.; i’n pechod nyhun a.g. 17 ‘to our own sin’; i ni nyhun do. 35 ‘for ourselves’.

Before numerals the forms are Ml.W. pl. 1. an, yn, 2. (awch, ych), 3. yll, ell, Mn. W. 1. ỿn (misspelt ein), ’n, 2. ỿch (misspelt eich), ’ch, 3. ill.

ni an chwech w.m. 29 ‘us six’, yn dwy Ỻ.A. 109 ‘we two’ f., yll pedwar w.m. 65 ‘they four’; arnaẟunt wy yll seith s.g. 33 ‘on the

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