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§ 201

1254 < *u̯o-gn‑íi̯‑, √g̑enē‑, § 196 ii (4); the v.n. is gweini <*u̯o-gnīm- § 203 vii (4), These represent Ar. iteratives and causatives in ‑éi̯e- (: ‑i‑: ‑ī‑).

(7) R-grade of √ + *‑isq- > W. ‑ych‑, as llewych-af (late corruption llewyrchaf) < *lug-isk‑, √leuq/ꬶ‑: Gk. ‑ι-σκω;—F-grade of √ + *‑sq- > W. ‑ch‑, in Ml. W. pu-ch‑af ‘I wish’ < *qu̯oi‑sq‑, √qu̯oi‑: Lith. kvëczù ‘I invite’, O. Pruss. quoi ‘he will’, Lat. vīs, O. Lat. vois ‘thou wishest’, Lat. invītus, (qu̯ > Lat. v), Gk. κοῖται· γυναικῶν ἐπιθυμίαι Hes.—Ar. suff. *‑sqe‑.

(8) Other Ar. stem-forms, mostly deverbatives and denominatives, such as ‑d- or ‑dh- stems, as rhathaf, rhathu § 91 ii; ‑t- stems, as gadaf ‘I leave’ < *g̑hə‑t- ii (2); ‑u̯- stems, as (gw̯r)andawaf ‘I listen’ § 76 iii (1); stems with ‑m‑, as tyfaf ‘I grow’ < *tu‑m‑: Lat. tumeo, √teu̯āˣ- ‘increase’; etc.

ii. (1) Many verbs are denominatives formed from the v.n. as stem. Old examples are gafaelaf ‘I take hold’ from v.n. gafael § 188 iv; gwasanaethaf ‘I serve’ from v.n. gwasanaeth ‘to serve’; as the latter was also an abs. noun meaning ‘service’, a new v.n. gwasanaethu was made from the verb, § 203 i (1); ymddir()edaf ‘I trust’ from v.n. ymddir()ed; andawaf from andaw i (8); cadwaf etc. § 202 v. For later examples see (3).

(2) (a) The verb gadaf ‘I leave, let, permit’, v.n. gadu, gadael, gadel has a doublet adawaf ‘I leave, leave behind’, v.n. adaw (in Late Ml. and Mn. W. gadawaf, v.n. gadaw, gado). The two verbs are conjugated regularly throughout; thus—

1. gadaf: 3rd sg. pres. ind. gad, 2nd sg. impv. gad, 2nd pl. do. gedwch, 3rd sg. pres. subj. gatogatto r.p. 1271; na at r.p. 1299 > nat do. 1216, Mn. W. nād ‘let not’, na ato > nato ‘forbid’; from these we have nadaf ‘I forbid’, v.n. nadu c.c. 187, Card. nadel.

Och arglwyẟ, heb y Gwalchmei, gat ẏ mi vynet … Ae adu a wnaeth Arthur r.m. 181 ‘“Alas lord,” said G., “let me go.” And A. let him.’ Ny adei ef hun vyth ar legat dyn w.m. 465 ‘he never left sleep on eye of man.’ Ym-âd a p.g.g. 22 ‘forego’ impv.

Gwedd ewyn, cyd gweddiwyf,
Gadu ar Dduw rannu ’r wyf.—D.G. 17.

‘[Maid of] the colour of foam, though I pray, I leave it to God to dispose.’

Ac ato’dd awn bei’m getid.—G.Gl. p 83/59.

‘And to him would I go, if I were allowed.’

Nad i ferch newidio f’oes.—D.G. 295.

‘Let not a woman change my life’ (? read niweidio ‘mar’).