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fleeted forms, which are used when the object is other than a personal pronoun.

(2) The simple form of every conjugable prep, causes the soft mutation of the initial of a following noun ; except er, rhag and rhwng which cause the radical ; yn which causes" the nasal, rad. or soft, according to its function ; and uwck, is which cause the rad. except in mochldw, isldw, uwchben.

iii. (i) The 2nd sg. ending is Ml. W. -t = -d, and often appears as -d in Early Mn. W., e.g. arnad D.G. 2, gennyd/byd do. 3, atad do. 42, Jwbod do. 513; but like the -d of the 2nd sg. impf. ind. it became -t in Late Mn. W., see 174 i.

(2) The 3rd pi. ending is in Early Ml. W. rarely -u, -itS, later and usually -unt formed after the 3rd pi. of verbs. In Late Mn. MSS. and books this is misspelt -ynt, with rare exceptions, e. g. G.J. Hyff'. Gynnwys (1749). The final -t is frequently dropped in poetry, as in verbs; and in the spoken lang. is always dropped; see 106 iii (a).

iv. There are three conjugations of prepositions, distinguished by the vowel of the ist and and pers. endings ; thus for the 1st sg., i. -af, ii. -of, iii. -yf.

. 209. First Conjugation. i. To this belong ar 'upon' ; at ' to ' ; o dan ' under ' ; o ' from ', with the stem ohan- (ohon-}, which does not occur uninflected ; and am ' about ' with the stem amdan-,

ii. (i) ar ' upon ' may be taken as an example of the conjuga- tion :

Ml. W. Mn. W.

sg. pi.

sg. pi.

i. arnaf i. arn-am,-ann

i. arnaf i. drnom

3. arnat 2. arnawch

2. drnad, -t 2. drnoch

3. m. arnaw


3. m. drno (drn-unt



f (arnai \ -ynt

erni 3- -


\ drni



adv. drnodd

The 3rd sg. f. -ai occurs in Early Mn. verse, though rarely : arnai D.G. 85, attai do. 195, danai do. 210, ohonai I.G. 390. The 3rd pi. in -addunt survived in poetry in onadditnt, see vi ;