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(7) er, Ml. W. yr, er. The meanings are ' for the sake of ; in spite of; in exchange for; since (a particular date)'; er ys, er's 214 vii. The prep, represents more than one derivative of *per, prob. *per, *peri, *pero-s : Lat. per, Gk. -rrepi, Skr. pdri, Skr. pardh. The prep, takes the rad. ; this would be the initial after *peros. The personal forms have the meaning of 'for the sake of, and may come from *pero-.

(8) rhwng ' between ' has replaced O.W. ithr ' between ' ; Ml. W. yrwng<*per-ongo-, 65 iii (i) : cyf-wng 'interval', cyf-yng 'con- fined ', e-ang ' wide ' < *eks-ang- : Gk. ayx<-, dy^ou ' near ', Lat. angustus, Germ, eng, Vagh-/ogh- 'narrow, strait'; the o- is seen in Gaul. Octo-durus " arx in angustia sita ". *(p]er-ongo-me by the usual loss of the second syll. would give *ymof] the seems to have been dropped, as before r, giving yrof, which kept its O.W. accentua- tion 47 i, like yrwng ; if so, the o in yr6m was originally short, and yron(n) occurs for it in B.B. 101 1. 2; the n seems to have been metathesized in O.W. igridu B.S.CH. 2 ' between them ' for *yrwyu < *(p)er-ongo-doibis. The forms yrynghof, yryngthaw etc. are probably new formations from yrhwng, perhaps originally ryiohof for

  • yrnof. The curious 2nd sg. gryghod w. 36 seems to be a scribal

error for rynghod (M.A. i 192).

(9) uwch, is, see 148 i (14), (10). The 3rd pers. forms may be old, the adj. being used adverbially before do ; the other forms are prob. analogical.

211. Third Conjugation. i. To this belong gan 'with, by ' and wrth ' over against ' :

ii. (i) gan is conjugated as follows :

Ml. W.

sg. pi.

1. gennyf i. gennym

2. gennyt 2. gennwch

3. m. ganthaw,


f. genthi, -ti


-unt -unt

Mn. W.

sg. pi.

1. gennyj- i. gennym

2. gennyt 2. gennych

3. m. gantho, (ganthunt,

-to 3 ' 1 -z!wwi5 f. genthi, -ti

Also in Ml. W. genhyf, etc. In Late Mn. W. sg. 3. m. ganddo, f. ganddi, pi. 3. ganddynt ; the dd is artificial.

(2) O.W. cant ox. ' with ', Early Ml. W. kan, as kan canyat e penteulu A.L. i 14 'with the permission of the chief of the house- hold '. The rad. is sometimes retained in Early Mn. verse : cennyd D.G. 329, cennym T.A. G. 252 (misspelt cenyd, cenyni). Ml. W. y gan ( from with ', as ugeynt ykan pop gur A.L. i 14 '20