Page:Mother Bunch's golden fortune-teller.pdf/18

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Physiognomy is an ingenious science, or knowledge of nature, by which tho inclinations and dispositions of every creaturo are understood. And becauso some of the members are uncompounded, and entire of themselves, as tho tongue, the heart, &c.. and some are of a mixed nature, as the eyes, the nose, and others; we therefore say, that there are many things which agree and live together, that inform a wise man how to make his judgment before he be too rash to deliver it to the world.

Hair.—Hair that hangs down without curling, if it be of a fair complexion, thin, and soft withal, signifies a man to be naturally faint-hearted, and of a weak body, but of a quiet, harmless disposition. Hair that is big and thick, and short withal, denotes a man to be of a strong eonstitution, secure, hold, deceitful, and for the most part unquiet and vain, lusting after beauty, and more foolish than wise, though fortuno may favour him. He whose hair not only eurls much but busheth out, and stands on end, if the hair be white, or of a yellowish eolour, he is by nature proud and bold, dull of apprehension, soon angry, a lover of venery, given to lying, malicious, and ready to do any mischief. He whose hair rises in the eerner ef his temples, and is gross and rough withal, is mest highly eoneeited of himself, inelined to maliee, but eunningly coneeals it, is very eourtly, and a lover of new fashions. Ho whoso hair is of a reddish complexion, is for the most part, if not always, proud, deeeitful, detraeting, venerous, and full of envy. Hair of a yellowish eolour, shows a man to be good eonditioned, and willing to do any thing, fearful, shamefaeed, and weak in body, but strong in tho abilities of the mind, and more apt to