Page:NIOSH Hazard review of Carbonless Copy Paper.pdf/98

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Table 4–12 (Continued). Analysis of repeated insult patch test (RIPT) studies submitted by industry clients in response to 1987 and 1997 Federal Register notices on CCP and its components
Study year Report number[1] Laboratory Test material Response rate[2] Irritancy Classification as irritant (Y/N)[3][4] Current use of material
Score[5] No. of subjects with score
  77–512–70 (continued)   F. Purple granules 1/71 5 1 Y[6]
G. No sample
H. Brown liquid 0/71[7] NR N
I. Amber liquid 1/71 1 1 N
J. Paper, CB surface with ruptured capsules 1/71 2 1 N
K. Paper, CB surface with intact capsules 0/71 NR N
1977 77–513–70 Hill Top Research, Inc. A. Code 29 CFB, sheets of paper (CF surface colored from ruptured capsules of CB surface) 0/12 NR N Test materials discontinued in late 1970s
B. Code 29 CFB, sheets of paper (uncolored CF surface) 0/12 NR N
C. 24W CB (E73–8) plus, blue liquid 0/12 NR N
D. Code 23 oil plus, blue liquid 1/12 1 1 N
E. Code 24 CB (E73–8) dried, white powder 0/12 NR N
F. Code 24 CB (E73–8) plus, light blue powder 1/12 1 1 N
G. No G sample N/A NR N
H. Code 28 oil, blue liquid 0/12 NR N

See footnotes at end of table.

Carbonless Copy Paper

Adapted from Graves and Tardiff [1999] supplemental submission of peer review comments.

  1. The report numbers refer to submissions to the NIOSH docket; they are not listed in the references. Except in Report 86–5436H, no test results for control materials are included in this table.
  2. Number of responders/total number of persons who completed the study.
  3. Abbreviations: CB=coated back; CF=coated front; CFB=coated front and back; N=no; NA=not applicable; ND=no data provided; NR=no reaction; Y=yes.
  4. Y and N were determined by NIOSH according to the scoring system listed in footnote 3.
  5. Highest recorded grade of skin reaction per study participant for a particular test material (based on multiple applications). Before 1980, Hill Top Research, Inc. employed a scoring scale that ranged from 0 to 7 (a score of 5 or greater=primary skin irritant; less than 5=nonirritating). Since 1980, Hill Top has used a scoring scale that ranges from 0 to 5 (a score of 3 or greater=primary skin irritant; less than 3=nonirritating). Inveresk Research International used a scoring system of 0 to 8, with a score of 5 or greater indicating irritancy. This laboratory scoring system is more analogous to the Hill Top pre-1980 system, even though it is a post-1980 study.
  6. The study director described skin reactions as sensitization.
  7. A responder to sample H (grade 1 reaction) was dropped (77–512–70 H).

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