Page:N Apostrophe T music.pdf/3

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\header {
  title = ""
  composer = ""
  tagline = "" % no footer
\score { {
{ \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new ChordNames \chordmode {
    \set chordChanges = ##t
    \language "english"
    f2:maj7 g:m7 | a:m7 g:m7 | f:maj7 g:m7 | a:m7 g:m7 |
    s8 f4.:maj7 g2:m7 | a:m7 g:m7 | f:maj7 g:m7 | a:m7 d:7 |
    g:m g:m | d:7 d:7 | g:m d:7 | g:m/d des:7 |
    f f | c:7 c:7 | f f | des:7 des:7 |
    g:m7 c:m9 | f:maj7 f:6 | a:m9 a:m9 | d:m d:m |
    g:m7 c:m9 | f:maj7 f:5 | g:m7 c:7 |
    f f | bes bes | f f | g:m7 g:m7 | f d:7 |
    g:m7 c:7 | bes c:7 | g:m7 c:7 | f
  { \new Staff <<
    { \new Voice << \relative c'' {
      \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 180
      \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"lead 6 (voice)"
      \override BreathingSign.text = \markup {
        \musicglyph "scripts.caesura.straight"
      \language "english"
      \key f \major
      \mark \markup{ \italic slower } r8 a4 gs8 a c,4 e8 ~ |
      e e4 d8 ~ d2 |
      c f |
      c r2 |
      r8 a'4 gs8 a c,4 e8 ~ |
      e e4 d8 ~ d2 |
      c f |
      c'8 c4. r2 |
      r8 d4 cs8 d d,4 c'!8 ~ |
      c bf4 a8 ~ a2 |
      g a |
      bf r |
      r8 c4 b!8 c c,4 bf'8 ~ |
      bf a4 g8 ~ g2 |
      \override = #'cross
      c4 r4 |
      r df df8 df r4 |
      d! r e,8 e r4 |
      c' r d,8 d r d |
      bf'4 g e bf' |
      a1 |
      \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 160
      \mark \markup{ \italic {even slower} } d4 \breathe d \breathe e, \breathe e \breathe |
      c' \breathe c \breathe d, \breathe d \breathe |
      bf' g f e |
      f2. e4 |
      \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 200
      \mark \markup{ \italic {back to speed} } d f bf d |
      c2. c4 |
      d8 cs d e, ~ e4. e8 |
      c'4 c8 d ~ d4 a4 |
      c bf8 a ~ a bf g4 |
      c bf8 a ~ a bf g4 |
      e' d8 c ~ c d bf4 |
      a2 r2 \bar "|."
    \addlyrics {
      "(#1:)Do" you talk to a -- ny -- one?
      \markup{"(#2:)No," \italic{(wistfully)}} I don't.
      "(#1:)Come" on out and have some fun.
      \markup{"(#2:)No," \italic{(hesitantly)}} I could -- n't.
      "(#1:)Can't" you e -- ven tell me why?
      \markup{"(#2:)No," \italic{(apologetically)}} I can't.
      "(#1:)Will" it kill you just to try?
      \markup{"(#2:)Well," \italic{(wanting to)}} I should -- n't.
      "(#1:)Don't," -- could -- n't, can't, should -- n't,
      Now try it once \markup{\italic my} way:
      Do! "(#2:)Do!" "(#1:)Could!" "(#2:)Could!"
      "(#1:)Can!" "(#2:)Can!" "(#1:)Should!" "(#2:)Should!"
      Hey, that feels o -- kay!
      "(#1:)So" come a -- long with me.
      "(#2:)I'll" give it a try,
      And say good-bye
      To N a -- pos -- tro -- phe,
      "(#1:)N" a -- pos -- tro -- phe,
      (Both:)N a -- pos -- tro -- phe T.
    >> }
    { \new Voice << \relative c'' {
      \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 200
      \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"lead 6 (voice)"
      \language "english"
      \key f \major
      s1 s s s
      s s s s
      s s s s
      s s s s
      s s s s
      s s s
      s s s s s
      s s
      c4 bf8 a ~ a bf g4 | f2
    } >> }
  >> }
>> }
\layout { }
\midi { }