Page:Narrative of a Voyage around the World - 1843.djvu/83

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sequence of the liability to frequent shocks of earthquake. They have internal courts, and appear to possess convenience, space, and comfort. All are well supplied with water by aqueducts; have a good market, every necessary being cheap, and abundant; and nothing is wanting to their comfort but society, and strictly enforced order. The want of this latter, I am informed, is a sad drawback; and it never can be attained under their present laws, habits, &c. One of these habits, arising from their new system of Independence, is entering your house, and seating themselves without invitation: any opposition might be attended by unpleasant results — even to assassination.

During the day we accompanied Mr. Chatfield to call on the President Morasan, an intelligent gentlemanly person, very much like the portrait of Bolivar, which at the time was suspended over his chair. We afterwards called to make our apologies to the French Consul, who, being from home, returned the call, and pressed us strongly to dine the day following, but as our return was imperative, we were obliged to decline the honour.

The temperature in the shade during our stay averaged 76°.

At six the next morning, we commenced our journey to Libertad. The weather was cool and pleasant, from the effects of the late rain. The country in the neighbourhood of the city appears to be in cultivation — apparently sugar-cane. Cattle

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