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worthy my attention. The world with all its gay and enticing charms courted my affections to no purpoſe, I thought I had rather ſuffer afflictions with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleaſures of ſin for a ſeaſon having reſpect to the recompence of reward, which I daily enjoyed; eſteeming the reproaches of Chriſt greater riches than the treaſures of Egypt: yea I eſteem the preſent afflictions not worthy to be compared with the glory that ſhall he revealed hereafter; and I had rather be a door-keeper in the houſe of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedneſs, being poſſeſſed of all the pomp, grandeur, and affluence, that this world can afford. I think, therefore, that however unworthy I may be of ſuch honour, I would wiſh to invite and exhort all who know not theſe things by happy experience, that they would try the experiment for themſelves. You may think it ſtrange that I talk as I do but O, my friends I long for your happineſs, I long to ſee you rejoice in hope of the glory of God; yea, I long to ſee the ſaints on earth join their rejo'cing ſongs of praiſe to God, with the ſeraphic angels in heaven, at the news of the return of one more prodigal. Come then, O ſinner! come and be happy; for why will ye die? That God in whom you live move, and have your being, tells you plainly, that he delighteth not in the death of him that dieth; but that he ſhould