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a long, winding, open sea, with numberless coves and headlands, and dotted here and there with the most beautiful islands I had ever beheld. The cities, towns and villages stood on the many-elevated promontories and peninsulas, while on either side were large tracts of undulating country, covered with plantations, green pastures, and orchards, and bordered on the east and west by the dim lines of lofty mountain ranges, the highest peaks of which were capped with snow. I could trace the courses of dark, winding lines running from the mountains to the sea, and indicating the channels of rivers and streams. On one of the headlands, a little to the right, and partly on the island opposite, stood what appeared to be the largest city; at least, its edifices were greater, and towers higher, than those of the other cities within view.

To it I bent my steps, and in due time found myself in the settled country I had seen from above. The magnificent harbour was filled with ships, some stationary, others travelling at a high rate of speed; yet no signs of steam were visible. I threaded my way through lanes of very large trees, of a kind I had never seen before. They were equal in size to, and slightly resembled, our pines, but were covered