Page:Nil Durpan.djvu/98

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that now put at an end? You have now at last made your peace with Bipin with whom you had so often quarrelled over the eldest Bou saying: "She is my mother, my mother." Ah, as in the case of a heron and its mate with their young ones flying in the air in search of food, if the heron be killed by a fowler, the mate with her young ones falls into great danger, so shall my mother be when she hears of your being put to death, while hung above ground by a rope.

Darogah.   (Bringing Babu Bindu aside by taking hold of his hands). Babu Bindu, do not be so impatient now. Get the permission of the Doctor, and try to take the corpse soon to the Amritaghata.

Enter Deputy Inspector and the Pundit

Bindu.   Darogah, do not speak of anything to me. Whatever consultation you have to make, make that with the pundit and the Deputy Inspector. Through sorrow, I have lost the power of speech; let me take my father's feet once on my breast. (Sits up, taking the feet of Goluk on his breast ).

Pundit.   (To the Deputy Inspector.) Let me take Bindu Madhab on my lap; you better unloose the rope. It is never proper to keep such a godly body in this hell.

Darogah.   It will be necessary to wait for a short time.

Pundit.   Are you the chowkidar (gate keeper) of hell, else why have you such a character?

Darogah.   Sir, you are wise, you are wrongly reproaching me.

Enter the Doctor

Doctor.   Ho! Ho! Bindu Madhab; God's will. The pundit is come. Bindu must not leave the College.

    physique, and possessed rare strength and courage. Nobin Madhab, a very strong and courageous person, has been likened here to Bhima.—Ed.