Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/201

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CONTENTS. No. 166.

NOTES : Westminster Changes, 1906. 161 A Scotch Gar- den of Eden, 162 Ell Family "Supawn" : its Origin, 163 Matthias the Impostor The Authorship of 'Is it Shakespeare?' "Pull one's leg " Inscriptions at Bel- lagio, Italy, 164 Abraham Lincoln and European Poli- ticians" Conscientious objection " " Bothombar." 165 H in Shropshire and Worcestershire Pancake Bell in 'Newcastle Languages in Burma, 166 " Tobacco ": its Etymology" Possession nine points of the law," 167.

<GUERIES : Mohammedanism in Japan, 167 Scott's ' Black Dwarf Samuel Barnard Chesterfield and Wotton Portraits "Bat Beara way "--" Idle Dick Norton "Cathay Drum-Major : John Bibie Revett of Checkers, Bucks, 168 "What wants that knave that a ,king should have ? "Pitch-Caps put on Human Heads and set on Fire Author of Quotation Wanted Sir H. 'Campbell-Bannerman on Britain's Supremacy on the Sea Carte, the Historian Pretended Prince of Macedonia- Charles I. : his Physical Characteristics, 169 Napoleon's Carriage Musical Genius : is it Hereditary? 170.

REPLIES : Latin Pronunciation in England, 170 Spelling Changes, 171 Authors of Quotations Wanted Duke of Kent's Children, 172 Post Boxes "Ito": "Itoland," 173 Bell-Horses : Pack-Horses ' Lawyers in Love,' 174 George Geoffry Wyatville " Set up my (his) rest" Heenvliet and Lord Wotton's Daughter ' Edinburgh Review' Attack on Oxford People to be Avoided or Cultivated, 175 Slavery in England Scott Illustrators- Charles Reade's Greek Quotation : Seneca, 176.

NOTES ON BOOKS: 'The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen ' ' Memoirs of the Verney Family during the Seven- teenth Century ' ' The Newspaper Press Directory ' ' The Edinburgh Review.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

Notices to Correspondents.


(See ante, pp. 81, 122.) THE Government Offices at the corner of Parliament Street and Great George Street went steadily forward during the year, but are still far from finished. The new building (virtually a part of New Scotland Yard) -on the Victoria Embankment is near ing completion, and will be occupied early this year. The building long known as the Whitehall Club, at the corner of Parliament 'Street and Derby Street, was closed and sold, and has been for months in the hands of the builders, but no one seems to know .anything about its future. Threatened things and places last long, so Great George Street, long threatened with demoli- tion, still stands, although some of the offices have been vacated, and some of the houses in Delahay Street sold to the Govern- ment.

At Storey's Gate one of the " latest bits of familiar London of long ago " disappeared in May when improvement (?) " swept away the pair of gates leading into St. James's Park from Great George Street."

These gates, which were very old, together with a quaint gate-keeper's box, were removed, as they were found to be a source of danger to the fast-travelling motor-car and carriages. A sketch of the roadway as altered and of the old gate-keeper ap- peared in The Daily Graphic of 23 May.

In Broad Sanctuary the ground floor of the premises vacated by the National Society has been adapted as a showroom for the sale of the Reo Automobile. On the site of the Royal Aquarium, at the corner of Tothill Street and Princes Street, some work has been done in connexion with the founda- tions of the Wesleyan Church House to be erected here, but for about six months little or no progress has been made. At No. 1, Dean's Yard some alterations are proceeding. In Tothill Street, Caxton House was finished early in the year, and is now, at least in part, occupied as offices. Broadway House, of which a portion is in the same street a pile of business premises containing 5,500 feet superficial was sold by private treaty by Messrs. Trollope & Sons during the first week in August, but the price was not stated. At 8, Broad Sanctuary, a house interesting to West- minster people, as having been the residence of Mr. James Grose (at one time church- warden of St. Margaret's), has undergone alteration and enlargement, and is now occupied as offices by Messrs. J. Brown & Co., and Messrs. Thomas Firth & Sons.

In Victoria Street the centre of the three entrances (No. 87) to Marlborough Mansions has been much improved by the erection of some elaborate granite-work, which has added to the important appearance of the building a feature which it sadly needed. The fehop at the corner of Artillery Row, lately held by Messrs. Robins, Snell & Co., and the one next door in Artillery Row numbered 91 in Victoria Street, just vacated by the City of Westminster Refreshment Company, are to be remodelled. In Great Chapel Street an extensive clearance has been made, really extending some distance into Dacre Street, upon which more flats are to be erected ; but at the close of the year there was very little to see, though the work had been in hand from March. In Palmer Street some shop-fronts have been put into the flats known as " The Albany," and the shops have since been occupied by a firm of dealers in antiques, a trade which seems to have found a per- manent abode in this locality.

In Buckingham Gate (the part formerly James Street) the building known as " the