Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/329

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ii s. i. APB. 23, 1910.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




NOTES : Shakespeare's Name: Various Spellings, 321 George Abbot, the Puritan Shakespeariana, 322 Columbia College " Mother of Tom-cats " = the Seine Burton and Joannes Pitseus, 325 J. Hall Pringle "Postally" Duke's Place, Aldgate The Name Loyola Breech-loading Cannon in England, 326.

QUERIES : Capt. John Knowles, 326 Alabama-Kearsarge Fight Major Welsford : Lieut. Home " Jirga "The Annuals Ely Parish Register Missing Canon J. C. Robertson Shakespeare Illustrators Rev. R. Evatt Gainsborough's Pomeranian Dog: C. J. Smith, 327 "God save the People" Broad- Bottomed Administration 'Rape of Proserpine' "Pagodas" Inventor of Port- land Cement 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles ' W. Sewell Eight Kings : Nine Ladies Beethoven's " In dieses Grabes Dunkeln " Wood Street Compter Lanesborough House Osborn Atterbury Martin Folkes, 328 'Corn- n-all : its Mines and Scenery 'Heine in London Myddelton: "Dref": "Plas" Feast of the Ass " Merluche " ' Songs of the Chace,' 329.

REPLIES : Havering Manor, 329 Cosnahan Family, 330 ' Alonzo the Brave,' 331 Edinburgh Clubs Sowing by Hand-' The Death-Killing Doctor,' 332 -Guildhall: Old Statues " Literary Gossip " Billyng's ' Five Wounds of Christ ' Bibliotheca Drummeniana, 333 Place-Names 4 Deil stick the Minister ' Becket's Personal Habits- Index to the Christian Fathers Index to Foxe's ' Acts and Monuments,' 334 Authors Wanted ' British Chro- nologist,' 335 Princess Daschkaw " gh " pronounced as "sh ?> M. d'Herwart at Berne, 336 Civil Service Archives Roger Altham G. and W. Chalmers, 337 Scott-Christie Duel Medical M.P.s Rope Monday Scheffelde in Com. Can tiae Hartley Wintney Nunnery Modern Names from Latinized Forms, 338.

NOTES ON BOOKS :-' Shakespeare Folios and Quartos ' Paradise Lost' edited by Verity ' National Review.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

Notices to Correspondents.


THE following list of the spellings of Shakspere's name may serve to show how the matter stands in contemporary lite- rature. The list begins with the earliest mention of the poet's name, and ends at 1649. It includes the spellings in the Stationers* Registers to 1639 and on the title-pages of the Apocryphal plays, but not those of the piratical quartos. Nor does it include any reference to documentary spellings, such as those in title-deeds or records of court proceedings. Printers' forms are given in clarendon ; and the figures refer to the pages of vol. i. of ' The Shakespeare Allusion Book, 1 except where ii. is mentioned, when vol. ii. is intended. S., W. 1594, 10; 1595, 21; 1602, 104;

1607, 166. (4 cases.) Sh., W. 1611, 226. (1 case.)

Schaksp. 1611, 164. (1 case.) Shackspeare. 1625, ii. 530. (1 case.) Shackspeer. 1632, 369. (1 case.) Shackspheere. 1627, ii. 531. (1 case.) [Shake-scene. 1592, 2.] Shakesp. 1640, 464. (1 case.) Shakespear. 1614, 251 ; 1633, 373 ; 1636,

404, 407, 408 ; 1640, 462 ; 1641, 470 ;

1643, 480 ; 1644, 494 ; 1645, 497 ;

1646, 501 ; 1649, 525, 526. (13 cases.) Shake -spear. 1639, 441 ; 1643, 484. (2

cases. ) Shakespeare. 1595, 24; 1597-1603, 40;

1598, 46, 51, 56 ; 1599, 62 ; 1600, 69 ;

1601, 98 ; 1601-2, 102 ; 1603, 127 ;

1604, 133, 140 ; 1605, 147 ; 1609, 206 ;

1614, 243, 245 ; 1620, 278, 280 ; 1622,

284, 286; 1623, 305, 307, 313, 317,

318, 321 ; 1625, 330 ; 1627, 334 ;

1628, 339 ; 1630, 342, 347, 348 ; 1632,

363, 364, 370, 372; 1633, 377, 378;

1634, 390, ii. 532 ; 1635, 393 ; 1636,

409 ; 1637, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, ii.

532 ; 1638, 428, 431 ; 1639, 438, 439,

ii. 534 ; 1640, 451, 453, 454, 455, 459

460 ; 1640-41, 465, 466 ; 1642, 473 ;

1643,483,487; 1644, 489; 1645, 495,

495, 496; 1647, 503, 504, 505, 506,

507, 511, 512, 513; 1649, 521, 523.

(79 cases.) Shake-speare. 1594, 8; 1612, 233; 1623,

319; 1632,363; 1635,393; 1639,440.

(6 cases.)

Shakespeere. 1641, 471. (1 case.) Shakespere. 1600, ii. 526 ; 1608, ii. 529 ;

1610, 213 ; 1626, ii. 530. (4 cases.) Shakespheare. 1595-6, 27. (lease.) Shakspear. 1637, 414. (1 case.) Shakspeer. 1619, 274; 1623, ii. 530. (2

cases.) Shakspeare. 1600, 67, 72 ; 1603, 124 ;

1607, 175, ii. 528 ; 1608, 186 ; 1613, 234 ;

1617, 267 ; 1634, 388 ; 1637, 421, 422 ;

1639, ii. 533; 1648, 516; 1649, 526,

527. (15 cases.) Shak-speare. 1595, 23; 1611, 219; 1623,

319. (3 cases.) Shakspere. 1593, 6. (1 case.) Shakspire. 1641, 472. (1 case.) Sheakspear. 1619, 274. (1 case.)

The list shows the remarkable preponder- ance of the " Shakespeare 5; form. Perhaps the oddest spellings are to be seen in the library catalogue of Prince Rupert, pro- bably made by a foreigner (1677, ii. 231), where we have besides " Shakespeare,' 2 the forms "Shakesb."- and " Shakesbearg 3 * (Sloane MS. 555, Brit. Mus.).