Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/157

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Knyvett : Sheres : Dowries, ix. 394

Kola or gourou nut, ix. 106

Kom Ombo on antiquity of eyeglasses, viii. 145.

Jews as " scientists " and physicians, viii. 205 Konigsdorf Abbey, near Cologne, x. 209 Kough (T. M.) on "Astonish the natives," ix. 267 Krakatoa, volcanic eruption at, in 1883, vi. 185, 232,

318, 376

Krasinska (Countess), her 'Journal,' iii. 409 Krebs (H.) on Arthur's crown, ix. 491. Author and avenger of evil, xii. 14. " Autocrat " in Russian, x. 6. Bishop in game of chess, xii. 269. Bridge, card game, its derivation, v. 12. Caendo=Cercando, vii. 238. Castor sugar, ix. 417. Charles V.'s portrait, x. 348. Chodowiecky, iv. 297. Collie-dog and its derivation, xi. 309. Crapelet bibliography, ix. 351. Dante's vision, v. 312. Dual number in provincial German, vii. 517- Electrocute, viii. 487. Freund Hein, x. 297. German and Russian, gender of nouns in, ix. 445. Gods and men, xi. 378. Goethe on Dante, iv. 45 ; and Eckermann, 52. Gothic spaiirds, v. 273. Goths and Huns, xi. 432. Hamburg, xii. 334. Hippin, its meaning, v. 154. " Ich dien," x. 309. Iron-Beard, Dr., ii. 146. Italian, early, iii. 231. Lakoo, plant-name, vi. 92. Latter- mint, its meaning, vii. 373. " Le trecente cariche," vii. 234. Miracle play, Provengal, iii. 226. Moliere, first edition of, v. 421. Mont Petee, ix. 487. Nesquaw, dialect expression, v. 500. ' Oliver and Arthur,' ix. 494. " Only too thankful," ix. 370. Owl, xii. 316. Pasquil, its meaning, v. 5, 57. Polder, its etymology, iv. 462. 'Potion for the Health of England,' ix. 369. Reredos : Lardose, vi. 36. "Romans des Douze Pairs," ix. 352. Russian language, iv. 356 ; ix. 445. Sibyls in Scotland, iii. 194. Tolstoi (Count), his works in Russian, ii. 457. Toys, Wykehamical word, xii. 437. Traffic, origin of the term, v. 456. Ullig = Christmas in Manx, viii. 504. Verbs formed out of proper names, viii. 211. Warmiensem, diocese of, vi. 75. Welsh dictionary, xii. 513. Wolfram von Eschenbach, xii. 398 Kris mistranslated cross, i. 85, 317, 458 ; ii. 36, 256,


Krueger (G.) on " At sixes and sevens," xi. 266. Atte, viii. 229. Berlin Arsenal, picture in, xi. 414. Birth- daycake with candles, German custom, viii. 486. Bob- baw ! vii. 232. Brazen-soft, vii. 177. Breadcrumbs and devil, ix. 111. ' Castle of Kilgobben,' its author, viii. 423. Children's festival, xii. 336. Cipher- story bibliography, ix. 509. Cold shoulder : Turn the tables, xii. 128. Colpeara, its meaning, vii. 432. Comically, use of the word, x. 213. Dual number in provincial German, viii. 215. " Fall below par," viii. 110. Fighters, female, portraits of, ix. 335; x. 38. "Flea in the ear," xii. 196. Flower game, viii. 466. Freund Hein, x. 297. German haff fisherfolk, xii. 197. German letters, x. 237. Hakatist, ix. 374. " Hep ! Hep ! " cry against the Jews, ix. 96. Home or Hearne, xii. 177. Kathmath, a precious stone, ix. 51. "Keep your hair on," xi. 318. Kemp surname, viii. 113. Kurish, German, xi. 477. Latin motto, vii. 312. Macaulay in German, ix. 517. Nietzsche, pro- nunciation of name, ix. 138. Nunty, its meaning,

vii. 291. "Only too thankful," ix. 458. Over- slaugh, xii. 93. Pack, xi. 298. Petering, its mean- ing, vii. 351. Prior to=before, xii. 312. "Qui vive ?" vii. 336; viii. 75. Quotations, vii. 171. Racing, viii. 291. Shimmozzel, its meaning, vii. 453. Ships of war on land, ix. 472. Sixes and sevens, ix. 427. " Soul above buttons," viii. 423. Swindler, its derivation, x. 278. Tennis, origin of the name, ix. 418. "Travailler pour le Roi de Prusse," xi. 289; xii. 34, 270. Unram, xii. 10. Vanishing London, vii. 312. Verbs formed out of proper names, viii. 211. Warlow family, ix. 351. Week, x. 12

Kruger (Paul), his counterfeit coins, v. 185 Kuhn (M.) on "chien ou rat," x. 250. Montreux

churchyard inscription, iv. 44 Kumascope, new scientific term, xi. 286 Kunda-oil : cunda-oil, its etymology, viii. 442 Kurische Haff, crossing the, 1679, xi. 207, 317, 414 Kurland, English families in, x. 149, 237, 356; German language in, x. 406 ; xi. 90, 477; xii. 77 ; geology of, xii. 208, 351 Kybosh, Anglo-Hebrew slang, vii. 188, 276, 416 ; viii.

87, 150, 347

Kyburgi, its locality, xii. 92 Kylon, its meaning, iii. 108, 175 Kynaston : Rhytterch families, viii. 423 Kynoch (J.) on Barmouth plants, x. 49 Kyrie Eleison : Greek words in Latin offices, vii. 505 ; viii. 170

L. on atte, its meaning, vii. 388. Bowles (William Lisle), viii. 284. Christian names as evidence of race, xii. 48. Lines on eating, vi. 231

L. (B. H.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, iv. 45. Archery butts, iii. 473. Bismarck, the name, i. 84. Bos- well's (J.), last London residence, i. 466. Butter- worths, law publishers, iv. 146. Corpse's hand, cure by, iii. 68. French Embassy at Albert Gate, i. 164. FurnivaUs Inn, ii. 441. Hocktide customs, ii. 171. Hop-picker, ii. 32. Horse marine, ii. 457. "Jack- up-the-orchard," ii. 194. Martin, a game, iii. 496. Reigate, Roman road at, i. 124. Romans, and battle-axes, i. 432. Shakespeariana, i. 93. Sunken lanes, iv. 291. Surnames, commonest, iv. 226. Swakeleys, near Uxbridge, ii. 496. Sword-belt, carriage of a, iv. 447. Tin trade, ancient, of Britain, iv. 516. Tips, origin of, iv. 308. Vespucci, (Amerigo), i. 244

L. (B. K.) on author of verses wanted, vii. 228, 374

L. (C.) on Russian story, x. 89

L. (C. M.) on Tartar cloud, ii. 529

L. (E.) on Cowley's poems set to music, viii. 16. Daffodil and Tennyson, ii. 489. Tramaglino (Renzo), viii. 448

L. (E. B.) on fairy tales, viii. 424. Misericordia and Franciscans, i. 408

L. (F.) on " Sapit qui Deo sapit," i. 408

L. (F. de H.) on Gardner barony, x. 457. Hapsburgs as Emperors of Germany, xii. 47. ' Hymns Ancient and Modern,' x. 512. Lavington in Sussex, viii. 234. ' Lyra Apostolica,' xi. 297. Mitre, viii. 532 ; x. 192. Mourning Sunday, xi. 475. Oldcastle (Sir John), ix. 375. Wilson (Andrew), ix. 377