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OTE AND QUERIE 2 'Q Qlcblum oi Quterromnuumatxon LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. “ When found, make a note of."-CAPIAIR OURLI. No. 157. |:,{§§§§_] SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1900. <1 ,,,‘;,¥§},°,f,§°,}’,{5§’,’§’,f,‘§,L°;_ MACMILLAN & CO.’S STANDARD EDITIONS OF THE POET . TH E COLLECTED POEMS OF T. E. BROWN. Author of ‘ Fo’e’s’le Yarns,” ‘The Manx Wltoh,’ &c. With Portrait. Crown Svo. 7r. 64. SHAKESPEARE. The CAMBRIDGE SHAKESPEARE. A New and Revised Edition. Bdlted by W. ALDI8 WRIGHT, ll.A. LL.D. 9 vols. Bvo. l0~. Gd. each. EDITION de LUXE, 40 vols. Gs. per vol. net. The GLOBE EDITION. Edited by W. G. CLARK and W. ALDIB “'B.10Hl‘. Globe 8vo. as. Gd. The VICTORIA EDITION . In 3 vols. Vol. I. COM 811138. Vol. Ll. HIBTORIBS. Vol. III. TRAGBDIB8. Gown 8vo. Ss. Gd. each. The EVERSLEY EDITION. In 10 vols. With Short gnter¢:=lnc;i&::n=nd Footfnotes by Prof. C. H. RBRFORD. Globe 8vo. I. . The 1-'lays may also be had ln separate Volnmes, priee, cloth, ls. each; roan, gilt tops, 21. each. TENNYSON. oonnmmfrm Pomfrxou. Wonxs. wm. . Por tralt. Crown Svo. Ts. Bd. The GLOBE EDITION of the POETICAL WORKS of ALFRED, LORD TBNNYBON, POET LAURBATB. Crown Bvo. green cloth, 3s. Gd. Also ln extra cloth. gllt edges. 41. Gd. Lord 'l‘ennyson's Works are also publlshed by Messrs. Macmillan 8 Co. ln varlons other forms. WORDSWORTH. COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. With an Intro- dnctlon by JOHN MOBLBY. With a Portrait. Crown 8vo. Ts. Gd. The RECLUSE. FND- 3'°- 2% 54- POEMS. 8 vols. PROSE WORKS. 2 vols- 51- each. lloersley Striu. MATTHEW ARNOLD. COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. wuz. .. rer- tralt. Crown 8vo. Ts. Gd. The WORKS of MATTHEW ARNOLD. 6 vols. Globe 8vo. ba. each vol. ESSAYS ln CBITICIBM. First Series.-ESSAYS ln CRITICISLI. Second Berlee.-BAILLY and NARRATIVB POEMS.-LYBIC and BLBOIAC POEMS.-DlLAM.A'I'lC and LATER POEMS.-AMERICAN DIBCOURBBS. SHELLEY. POETICAL WORKS. Edited by Prof. DOWDBN. With a Portrait. (Drown 8vo. Ts. 04. Pomms n-om SHELLEY. senwfsa and Arranged by STOPFORD A. BROUKB. 20. Gd. net. [Golden Treasury Serin.


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