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cases, and to show that the conjugate foci are convertible, as in reflexion, and that what are incident rays in one point of view, may be considered in another as refracted, and vice versâ.

84. It will be observed that in this, and in all other cases of refraction, the conjugate foci move in the same direction, whereas in reflexion they always come towards, or recede from each other.

The following are corresponding values of and



Case 2.Here we have whence it appears that as long as or beyond (Fig. 76.) is negative, or on the contrary side of from

When or is at is infinite.

When or is between and is positive; so that and are on the same side of is at first infinitely distant, and its change of place must be very much quicker than that of , for while this moves from to , comes from an infinite distance to the same point.

When is negative, or within the denser medium, Fig. 79.

is then necessarily negative, as we might expect, the two foci moving together from in the same direction.

is at first greater than but the two points coincide in and afterwards gets beyond and, in fact, it moves from to an infinite distance while goes from to .