Page:Orczy--the gates of Kamt.djvu/343

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there alone shall in future dwell the image of him who is the son of Ra!"

Awestruck, not understanding, one by one the dark heads were raised aloft, and thousands of anxious eyes peered upwards in the gloom.

"Oh, people of Kamt, do not mourn! He who is beloved of the gods hath dwelt amidst you all! He gave you joy and happiness, he spoke to you of mercy and of love! but the gods up above have need of him, they called to him, and he hath gone!"

There was a long and universal shriek: the sorrow and disappointment it expressed was quite unmistakable. I felt strangely impressed and sad, as if I were assisting at my own funeral. Hugh's face, too, was white and set. It is hard to leave those who love one dearly, hard to go in the very summit of one's popularity.

The high priest had waited for a while, until the demonstration of sorrow had somewhat subsided, then he added:

"Oh, people of Kamt! the beloved of the gods has gone!

"Remember, his spirit still hovers round you!

"Remember the joy he gave you and obey his behests.

"Before he left he spoke his wishes to me, the humble servant of Ra, our god, his sire, and bade me transmit these wishes unto you, his people. He, as your ruler and your king, has appointed as his successor upon the throne, Neit-akrit, the well-beloved of the house of Usem-ra, and he hath ordained that since Maat-kha, now twice a widow, hath decided to vow herself to the service of Ra, that you do obey Neit-akrit as you would himself. She will rule over you, she, the holy Pharaoh, entrusted by him with the fullest powers, and on her head alone shall rest the double