Page:Oregon Exchanges volume 5.pdf/24

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January, 1922


BY PAUL ROBINSON, Editor Aurora Observer

“THE good old days” we hear spoken of are with us now. The really good days will remain as long as the individual will make them good. No editor wants to go back to the “charity” days, when a sack of potatoes was exchanged for' subscriptions, free

For special ads, fairs, etc., I prepare a

“dummy” to solicit by, and most of my

soliciting is by letter. Refuse all ads that are offered below the regular rate, have no favorites and work in cooperation with

your advertisers.

Once a month present

and collect all accounts in person and the collector must make it a point to talk of

show tickets for a quarter page adver tisement, and a dish of cream for a write up of the Ladies Aid lawn social.

the arrangement of the next advertisement

If a weekly paper today doesn’t make a good living, the best living, there is no excuse for that paper’s continuing to exist. Apply your own doctrine for your own success—advertise. We can name a weekly paper with $40 a month income, that was bought on time; the receipts raised to

The main things for a successful weekly are publicity, true statements and uphold ing of the required amount of dignity at all times, that are due and expected of the editor. All this will spell success, and no “aids to ad writing,” no “Corres

$500 a month in less than a year, and sold for $2,000.

This in western Oregon.

Anw;R'1'1sE—BU'r HAVE THE


as he collects for the month past. Esssnrnms FOR Success

pondence Course,” or any New York ad

vice is needed by the weekly paper editor of Oregon. For smaller shops: There is “no such animal” as a “One-Man” shop. The edi

I have increased the receipts of the

Aurora Observer $200 monthly since April 1.

tor, no matter how small the town, loses money, health, and ability every hour he

Not easy, but mostly by advertising,

and having the goods.

Don’t advertise

that you have one thousand subscribers

until you get the subscribers. You can get the subscribers if you want them bad enough to get them. Print country com munications, local news and as many

spends in the mechanical end. printer today, never mind the salary.” Hire sufficient help, busy getting business to keep busy. The field is here—any

Hire a “fear of then get the shop place in


__0_.__ proper names as you can get.

Go get

them, if you have to walk ten hours a

day. terest

Bill Warren’s Philosophy

Use boosting articles and home in stories for front page, get the

people interested—then get the advertis ing by presenting the facts, by giving the advertiser his money’s worth. Quality circulation is as important as quantity. I write not less than a hundred letters to advertisers and prospective advertisers every month and some months several times this number. Point out my good points, my new list of subscribers and remind them of seasonable goods to offer at the right times,

W. H. Wanen,




“Bill,” has finished his term in the gal leys. The New Year’s edition of the Oregonian was brought to port under his skillful piloting, and Bill is once more the dean of the local room. “Birds,” said the wave-worn mariner, as he resumed his desk, “this being an editor has decided

disadvantages. You get home earlier, but you lose more sleep. You have more time for meals, but you eat less. Take it by and large, I’m glad to be demoted. How’s the general situation?”
