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April, 1922

supplement papers and annuals. They indicate a high type of cooperation between the school and the local publisher. Where the notes are inadequate or lacking altogether, it is generally due to the school rather than to the newspaper. Replies to a questionnaire sent to every high school in Oregon show that school notes columns are regularly established in 67 state news papers. These are generally prepared by the various English classes, assuming complete group responsibility in recurrent sequence, thus furnishing an excellent English project to a large number of students and giving to the papers well-written and interesting news. Sometimes the items appear under the simple head of “School Notes” and sometimes take the form of a definitely named section, as “The Owl Critic” in the Gold Beach Reporter, the “Utellem” in the Boardman Mirror, and the “H. S. Mirror” in the Hermiston Herald.

Press Association Formed

The student editors and managers of the state of Oregon, at a conference at the School of Journalism in May last year, formed the Oregon High School Press Association, with a general program for the improvement of publications. Through this association the advisory service of the School of Journalism is available to any high school in the state in regard to the questions touching the establishing of a paper or the improvement of an existing paper. Many schools made use of this service during the past year.

The second annual conference of the Oregon High School Press Association will be held at the School of Journalism April 14 and 15. A district organization of the State Association, embracing nine schools and including Yamhill, Washington and northern Marion counties, was formed at Newberg March 21, 1922. This is probably the beginning of several district organizations, all definite parts of the State Association.

The constitution of the High School Press Association, adopted in conference May 20, 1921, at the School of Journalism, is as follows:

Art. I. Name. The name of this organization shall be the Oregon High School Press Association.

Art. II. Purpose. The purpose of this association shall be the improvement of high school journalism in Oregon; the promotion of mutual acquaintance and cooperation among high school editors and managers; the extension of advantages made available by the University School of Journalism to all high school papers, and the advocacy of the highest standards of journalistic effort among high school students.

Art. III. Membership.

Sec. 1. There shall be three types of membership in this association.

Sec. 2. The controlling membership shall be membership by publications, each publication that has existed more than one year being entitled to one vote if represented in the convention by a bona fide member of its staff. (Note: Four types of high school publications shall receive full recognition: the high school newspaper. the high school magazine, the high school annual, and the high school notes column regularly appearing in a local paper with high school pupils as its regular editors and reporters.)

Sec. 4. Honorary memberships shall include the faculty of the School of Journalism, such faculty advisers in the high schools as the staffs of the various publications shall nominate in writing, addressing the nomination to the Executive Committee, and such newspaper publishers. nominated in the same way, as have been particularly helpful to high school journalism, and such members of the staffs of University publications as have formerly been editors or managers of high school papers.

Art. IV. Conventions. The convention of the Oregon High School Press Association shall be held annually at the School of Journalism of the University at the