Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/158

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F. G. Young.

152 THOMAS W. PROSCH. was serious, too, as money then was a scarce article, and the settlers were poor. Under the circumstances it was astonishing when the day arrived to find so many citizens at Cowlitz. Those participating were : Thomas M. Cham- bers, Seth Catlin, Jonathan Burbee, Robert Huntress, Ed- ward D. Warbass, John R. Jackson, William L. Fraser, Simon Plomondon, S. S. Saunders, A. B. Dillenbaugh, Marcel Bernier, Sidney S. Ford, James Cochran, Joseph Borst, Michael T. Simmins, Clanrick Crosby, Joseph Bro- shears, Andrew J. Simmons, A. M. Poe, David S.Maynard, Daniel F. Brownfield, John Bradley, J. B. Chapman, H. C. Wilson, John Edgar, and Francis S. Balch. Seth Catlin, known to his admiring friends as "the Sage of Monti- cello," was president, and A. M. Poe and F. S. Balch, sec- retaries. Two days the convention lasted. Committees were appointed on Territorial Government, Districts and Counties, Rights and Privileges of Citizens, Internal Im- provements, and Ways and Means. The Committee on Territorial Government reported in favor of the creation and organization of a Territory north of the Columbia River, and the delegate from Oregon was requested to do all he could to secure action from Congress of the character indicated. John B. Chapman, Michael T. Simmons, and Francis S. Balch were appointed a com- mittee to prepare a memorial upon the subject and push the project to a successful termination. The Committee on Counties recommended the creation of four new counties. For one the name of Simmons was urged, and for another the name of Steilacoom. The legislature granted the request in the case of one county only. It was about to create Simmons County, but M. T. Simmons, who was to be so honored, protested, and the name was changed to Thurston. When Chapman saw that Steilacoom County would not be established, but that instead his town of Steilacoom would be included in