Page:Oriental Stories v01 n01 (1930-10).djvu/145

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Singapore Nights

stalk in that room, but what did it matter? His beloved mistress had been found again. As the lights flared up, they beheld Mortimer Davga standing near the chimney corner. There was an ugly smile on his face. He had been sleeping on a couch in the room. But now he was wide awake.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen," he purred, "may I inquire the cause of this intrusion?" As he spoke in a calm gentle voice he whipped out a revolver. But his action was not quick enough. Even as he beheld him, Dick had leaped. The revolver flew from Davga's hand as he lurched backward. The next moment Dick had him by the throat. Unmercifully his fingers closed until Davga's eyes grew wild with horror.

"Where is Dolores?" cried Dick. "Unless you show me how to get to her, this hour will be your last!"

He released his relentless grip somewhat. Davga moaned. Then he smiled, a smile that was a leer. Once more the fingers closed. This time Dick held him breathless for a few seconds longer. Then once more his fingers relaxed.

"This is your final chance," he said tensely. "If I tighten them again they will not loosen until their work is done." He dragged Davga ta his feet and pushed him headlong toward the wall, at the same time drawing a revolver. In the interim Wing Lo had walked across the room and bolted the door. For a while at least they would be free from interference.

Mortimer Davga whined like a whipped animal. A fortune was slipping through his fingers. Better to lose a fortune than his life. He fumbled along the baseboard of the wall and presently a panel swung open. Dick handed the revolver to Wing Lo. Then he stepped into the blackness of the hidden room. The next moment Dolores was in his arms. He was kissing her lips.

"We must never be separated again,'" he whispered fervently.

Gently he led her to the next room. She was unharmed. The hidden room had been cozily furnished. She had been well fed. What Davga's intention had been they did not know, nor did they care. All that mattered was that she was free again.

When they re-entered the library, Dick took the revolver from Wing Lo.

"Allow me to present my wife," he said to Mortimer Davga. "We were married yesterday morning. I believe under the terms of her father's will the estate passes to her control after her marriage."

Mortimer Davga laughed gratingly. "You perhaps are not aware that there is a proviso," said he, "that I must sanction the wedding. Control passes to her only at my option. You are a mighty clever fellow, but it looks as though in me you have met your master."

Dick smiled cruelly. "Looks are often deceiving," said he. "I think they are in this case. I had not meant to mention it unless I had to, but you may as well know I am a detective. I pride myself on never being beaten. I hate to spoil your day, but you are under arrest. This procedure, I admit, is rather out of the ordinary. May I point out that necessity knows no law? Usually a crime is discovered and then a criminal is sought. In this case, however, we reverse the procedure. A criminal has been discovered. Now we will seek a crime. Until our mission is accomplished I'm afraid you'll have to be a prisoner. I know that you are sometimes known as Mr. Isaacs. Mr.