Page:Original stories from real life 1796.pdf/24

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hand. You find them, ſhe rejoined, very harmleſs; but a great number would deſtroy our vegetables and fruit; ſo birds are permitted to eat them, as we feed on animals; and in ſpring there are always more than at any other ſeaſon of the year, to ſurniſh food for the young broods.—Half-convinced, Mary ſaid, But worms are of little conſequence in the world. Yet, replied Mrs. Maſon, God cares for them, and gives them every thing that is neceſſary to render their exiſtence comfortable. You are often troubleſome—I am ſtronger than you—yet I do not kill you.

Obſerve thoſe ants; they have a little habitation in yonder hillock; they carry food to it for their young, and ſleep very ſnug in it during the cold weather. The bees alſo have comfortable towns, and lay up a ſtore of honey to ſupport them when the flowers die, and ſnow covers the ground: and this forecasſt is as much the gift of God, as any quality you poſſeſs.

Do you know the meaning of the word Goodneſs? I ſee you are unwilling to an-
