Page:Original stories from real life 1796.pdf/34

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perfections He diſplays every where for our imitation, that we may grow better and happier.

The children eagerly enquired in what manner they were to behave, to prove that they were ſuperior to animals? The anſwer was ſhort,—be tender-hearted; and let your ſuperior endowments ward off the evils which they cannot foreſee. It is only to animals that children can do good; men are their ſuperiors. When I was a child, added their tender friend, I always made it my ſtudy and delight to feed all the dumb family that ſurrounded our houſe; and when I could be of uſe to any of them I was happy. This employment humanized my heart, while, like wax, it took every impreſſion; and Providence has ſince made me an inſtrument of good—I have been uſeful to my fellow-creatures. I, who never wantonly trod on an inſect, or diſregarded the plaint of the ſpeechleſs beaſt, can now give bread to the hungry, phyſic to the ſick, comfort to the afflicted, and, above all, am preparing you, who are to
